My first time, and other stuff
Well I have now crossed over a threshold. From talker to doer. Dreamer to remeberer. faintly nerdy to nerdy. yes folks, i have now played Halo 2. not only that, but 8 person, 2 x-box/tv Halo 2. yes it was pretty cool. The first couple games i was on the really crappy tv and the hole mastering the scensitivity of the thumbstick and trying to figure out who are people and who are rocks or crates. but i got about 5 or so kills my first couple games, good for 5th to 7th. not too bad I thought. then i moved up to the nice clean tv (and an S type controller that im pretty sure that had nothing to do with it). Then the real Ian started coming out. i beleive it was the first game or second (or third), i was right up at the top with 2 other guys. I was doin pretty good. i didnt win but i think i had 22 or 23 kills at the end, and about half of them were but "stucking" people. yes throwing a plasma gernade and having it stick to the opponent causeing them to die (well accually the colaboration of pixels in the shape of a (wo)man that the person is controlling by buttons on a controller died). and yes, i also was straffing and preparing to throw a gernade onto someone, but a wall appeared jsut as i through (threw ??) the gernade to the gernade bounced off the wall and stuck to my x-box person. yep i stuck a gernade to myself, i felt kinda stupid. but ya we played some more rounds then i made a quick trip to get a pop i beleive and they started a jugernaut game. in this one person is the jugernaut and gets an oversheid and stuff and everyone else gangs up on him. So i came to the game and im not sure if i was the jugernaut to start with or weither i killed someone right away and became him but anyway i was the jugernaut. (by the way there were only 4 of us now, all pretty good). So anyway i pretty much walked around with a shotgun and blasted them all to death, they almost killed me several times but i always prevailed. yes and i was on a killig spree (previously in halo 1 i would usually get those and get sniped or blown up right when it started) then i think for the first time, a running riot, then for sure the first time, a RAMPAGE. i was owning (yes i was the jugernaut so i had some advantages but still) so the end of the game, Ian 20, 2 other guys 0, other guy -1. I freaking owned that game, it made me feel good. But i played some more and it was pretty good.
GOOD THINGS ABOUT HALO 2 First, you can tell it is a sequal, for anyone who played the original, switching to teh new one is very easy to do. there are some changes and/or improvements but the basic gameplay is the same. Another good thing, dual weapons, now you can hold 2 weapons at once and fire them seperatly or together. like 2 needlers, or and SMG and a plasma rifle. or really any compinations. another good thing is that the person vs veicle battle is alot more fair. people can kick you out of the ghost (i like the new ghost) or bash in the roof of your tank and shot your or gernade you. there are many other good things i just cant think of them right now.
NOT AS GOOD THINGS ABOUT HALO 2 first of all, and im sure your agree with me doug, is the weakness of the pistol or "magnum". I remember the good old days of shooting wraith 3 times with the pistol and killing him when he was running around shotgunning or sniping people. and i also never did have dual pistols, they were rare enough i could only find one. another not as good thing, but it is kinda nice so ill call it a change, the ghost will not run over people unless you use the speedburst button (second trigger). this is a bit of a pain but also nice if your not the one in the ghost. number 3, oddball. oddball (hold the skull) is now first to win 3 30 sec matches, 30 sec? it can take that long just to get to the person once let along twice if need be. but there might have been an option to change this somewhere, im not sure. four, the default and inverted caracter choices. In the orginal they had both and inverted (y-axis, up on thumbstick looks down) and a default (up is up, like it should be), in 2, only default which is bad for all those inverted people (or uninverted people im not sure which way it is i think uninverted). and in 1, who didnt like being noodle, or lumpy or , why cant i remember the stupid names? maybe cuz its almost 4, bone?. in 2, you choose default, your name in the game is default, lame.
So overall the halo 2 experience was a good one (well until all the drunk people had a spontaneous "banana fight"). I of course was just wondering around the maps looking for people cuz i didnt know the maps at all but the maps were good. ya so i will stop rambling and wrap up, If you liked halo 1 or just first person shooters or i guess just loosing, i recomend halo 2. It was definitly not disapointing.
PS they even have a map called zanzabar, you get to kill the zanzabarbarians
the title, "my first time, and other stuff" well i talked about my first time but it got long so i skipped the other stuff, maybe post it later.'
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