He found it. I found it.
first, in case you havnt noticed, i have a cooler titlebar(?) weblog title thing. . : l a t e - n i g h t - r e a d i n g : . . what is cool about it? the fact that i have multiple spaces, a task not easy to accomplish. but all prob go to my brother for rounding up the code for that. thanks a 2.
now to what i accomplished. i was [wow interesting thing found out, too big to be put in brackets] watching some strongbad emails at homestarrunner.com. now i remembered that email 69 has a really cool intro but i can never remember which one it is called (its 'personal favourites' if your wondering), so i just go to an arbitrary email then change the number to 69 in the address bar (ex. http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail121.html to http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail69.html). so i did this, but i accidently deleted the 'l' as well, so the address was http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemai69.html. which isnt accually a page. so what happened? i got a special 404 code. i got 404'd!. check it out. so i was like, cool. im sure im not the first person to find this, but im guessing that not everyone has seen it, so if you havnt, check it out and pass it along. (have to put a link to 'system is down', it applies too well)
Now for the cool thing. I was going to use "I was perusing strongbad emails . . ." but i couldnt remember or figure out how to spell it. so i dictionary.com'd it. this is the definition i came across (for peruse). To read or examine, typically with great care. also a special note saying "Usage Note: Peruse has long meant “to read thoroughly” and is often used loosely when one could use the word read instead. Sometimes people use it to mean “to glance over, skim,” as in I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, but this usage is widely considered an error. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel finds it unacceptable." so my brother preffers merriam-webster so i checked it out. it gave 2 definitions. "
1 a : to examine or consider with attention and in detail
b : to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner"
so it is saying that you can peruse something by either, concentrating on it, or, not concentrating on it. thats a bad thing for the english language. example, what if murder was like that. the word murder could mean killing someone or not killing someone. that would cause a bit of confusion wouldnt it.
how i see it I beleive that incorrect use of the word peruse lead to the addition of a second definition that contradicted the original definition.
PS i think i should get a translator so that i can say what i say, and then the translator can translate what i say into accual english.
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