Gather Round the Fire
Decemberween is here, decemberween is here today! Well tis the christmas season so I figured i would spread the holiday cheer by sharing stories/legends/tales that i have picked up on campus. These were told to me by different people and the validity im not sure of but they could have happened I guess. So grab a seat by the fire and enjoy;
Mmmmmm... Math
This story was told to me in the middle of the 20th, 21st, 22nd episode of '04 and it made me chuckle cuz it woulda been funny at the time but i prob wouldnt do it. So there was a class (pretty sure an engineering one) that a particular student (well prob alot of them but this one in particular) was having difficulty with the class. There was little, if any, hope of this student passing and/or doing well on the test so he (im pretty sure with help from his friends) came up with a good (i.e. funny) plan. So in he walked to the exam (bad english), ketchup in hand. so when the exam started, off comes the front page, on goes the ketchup, and down goes the page. that is right, he ate the first page of the exam. I'm guessing the plan was to eat the whole thing but he apparently didnt feel so good after the first page so he left. Moral of the story, you are cool if you do what your friends tell you to do.
Lower the curve
Aww small engineering faculties. I beleive this one may have occured or was planned to occur at the time i was told the story. In this particular CompE(i believ) class the small, prob 20 -30, students came up with a great plan. rather than all studying and working hard to learn anything, they decided to come to a mutual agreement. They decided to not study the last chapter and so they all didnt do the question/got the question wrong on the final. The plan was to play the curve and if everyone didnt do it the curve would erase the lost marks, a good plan and unfortunatly i dont know if it worked. Moral of the story, Teamwork is always a good idea.
Aim high, Plan big
This is one of my favorites. If anyone has any information on the validity of this or better yet any pictures ( pass it/them along. So here are the main parts i remember of the story. So a group a students (sorry cant remember the fac) hachted this plan and carried it through. So i guess the story goes that they got this prof., or something like, who happened to be a welder, drunk and in on the plan. So they welded this like 2 story oil derek shaped structure in parts. they then took these peices and snuck them into CAB. they then assembled this structure on the lowest floor on CAB. campus five oh aparently showed up just as they were taking pictures and everyon scattered and i think got away. The next day everyone shows up for school and there is a huge derrick in the middle of CAB. So the maintanence people start to take it apart and it was i beleive difficult to do, they may have welded the bolts after putting it together. So eventually the derrick was removed but definitly an interesting "prank". Moral of the story, uh, "Aim for the stars, even if you miss you can still hit the moon." thank you Chetwynd school.
"That's just a sub-urban legend."
Did you hear the one about the group from RPCS that went on a Nelson Brewery tour?
What's a derrick?
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