Run Run Run

What did i Do?
You may have seen that idiot run into the marathon and grab that dude who was winning. Well turns out, this same guy, whereing the same clothes, run out on the track of the British Grand Prix last year. he stood there and F1 cars swerved around him traveling more than 320 km/h. It least he chose the marathon rather than like the archery or shooting. ya,
We have all had it happen to us, there we are on the internet at 9 pm and no one worth talking to is on messanger. So what do you do? its too early to go to bed and you dont want to email someone. Here is a great way to kill time. Just visit a little site called the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). You can spend hours following endless links and get lost in the world of movies. This site has what seems like every movie ever made. impressed yet? That is just the begining of it. In every movie there is an entier list of actors and directors and stuff. and every actors page has a list of every movie, tv show, video game, ect. they have been in. Also, movies have trivia, goofs, and movie connections. And that is only part of the entire package. This site is well worth your "precious" time. You may be wondering ill bet Ian is getting paid for this praise of the site. Well, after all the time i have spent at IMDb, it is better than being paid (well it feels better but money would be nice). So if you are still reading this post i will now tell you about my new feature on the right (->) side of the page, and that feature is my movie picks. The first is a movie that i have seen and would suggest you watch, or at least read the back cover. The second is a movie that i have seen a preview for or heard about it and I think it looks and/or sounds good. With these picks i have included a link to the movie on the greatest site for movies on the web enjoy,
Well here it is, the moment you have all been dreading. I have been given the chance to express myself in any way i want. I know the only way to get people here is to use dirty words or pay people but i don't care. If nothing else, this is a way i can vent or express my feelings, and improve my writing skills at the same time. I would also like to take a moment to remember my good friends and mentor (it sounds good) Doug VS. without him i would not be writing this. So i will send a link to the inspiring blog(s) of doug <- there. until next time,