Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trend-Ticker Rules and Stuff

The rules are basically the same as the board game stock ticker. I have made a couple of changes because of the freedom of the internet.

Basic Jist: The ultimate goal in this game is to be the coolest person. Each person starts out with 5000 CASH (Cool And Socially Hip). Obviously, the more CASH you have, the cooler you are. If you are happy with your life and think everything is fine, hold onto your CASH and remain at the same level all the time. If you wish to take a chance and try and find the coolest fad, invest your CASH in various TRENDS. Every week these Trends will rise and fall in popularity. Trends at a higher value are worth more and that means you are cooler. If a trend is at or above the starting value (par value, 1) then there is a chance it will “Get on TV” if this happens, you automatically receive CASH based on the amount of the Trend you have and the percentage of people who saw it. If a Trend’s coolness reaches 2 (twice the par value), then the Trend SPLITS. This means that whatever quantity of that Trend you had, is now doubled and the value is returned to par (1). However, if a Trend reaches a value of 0 (CRASHES), then you lose everything invested in that Trend on the value is returned to par (1). You play the game by buying and selling Trends as you see fit as the values go up and down. Whoever has the most CASH and highest value of Trends is the coolest and everyone strives to be just like them (only better).

Trends: We will start out with 6 Trends. Trends may be added and/or taken away throughout the game but the original 6 should remain. Ample warning will be given in the event of a Trend being removed from the market. When Trends come into the market, they will start at the par value (1.00 per share). Since this is the internet and we are not bound by paper, any whole number of Trends can be bought ( you may however loses money in the rounding of purchase and selling and “Getting on TV” of Trends if you have weird amounts)

CASH (Cool And Socially Hip): You start the game with 5000 CASH. You can use this to buy any number and amount of Trends. Any time you sell a Trend, you get CASH. Because this is the internet, you can buy any amount Trends you want, you do not have to wait until you have the amount required for 500 shares.

Buying and Selling Trends: The ideal selling week is from 8am Monday morning until 4pm Friday afternoon. Since I am human though, this wont be exactly the cash. Some days I might be there right at 4pm to end the week, other times it will not be until Sunday afternoon (or evening). If you want to be sure your trade will go through, do it before 4pm on Friday. On the weekend I will take all the transactions and add them into the spreadsheet. When buying (or selling) Trends, put your name, intension (buy or sell), the Trend, and the quantity of that Trend available. Please check and make sure you have enough CASH to buy the stock (a simple calculation, price of Trend x Quantity= CASH required, Quantity = CASH/price). There will be a bit of grace in that you can go to about –100 CASH when buying nice round numbers of Trends (100, 350, 2000, ect.), BUT if you are negative, by the end of the next week, you must be back in the positive. If you are not, your most recent purchase(s) will be sold at the current price (Trends will be sold until you no longer have a negative CASH balance.

Trend value: Every weekend 10 changes will happen to the Trends. Changes include Trends going up, down, and “Getting on TV” (note, if a Trend below par value “Gets on TV”, a new change will be rolled to replace it). The numbers (used for up, down, and % of exposure on TV) will be 5, 10, 15, 20. All changes will be a true random number (that is rolled by a dice or drawn from a hat), not a pseudorandom number (given by computer or person).

Joining the Game: A person may join the game at any time (even if they have been previously lost all their CASH). Please only one game player per person.

Mr. Random: Mr. Random will be a creation of mine. He will make a random number of random transactions on random Trends each week.

Questions: If you have any questions, feel free to email me or post a comment (00seventeen (at) graffiti.net [those are zero’s]).

