Monday, February 28, 2005

"Thats some good quality H20"

drinkin' it up

So what is new with Ian? well im back in school as of today. it wasnt too bad. but also, due to an early birthday present, my goal is to drink 2 litres of water a day. see that is what you are accually supposed to drink. and now that i have a waterbottle it is easier to drink and measure 2 litres. Ya, im thinking it should be helpful, i cant think of anything bad that can come from it. well not nothing. one thing i noticed is that when you drink more water, you have to go to the bathroom alot more. its kind of weird.
webcast right now (asside from the accent CD im recording for my roomate) im listening to xprox's media lounge live streaming audio. you may be knowing how i know it is live. well. xprox has been song surfing. i song surf often, but it is quite annoying when you have no control over the surfing and no easy way of contacting the surfer to give your input (or threats). The music has been pretty good. ive heard many songs i like (or at least the first 3 seconds of them). i guess a disclaimer, this audio isnt recomended for all ages do to lyric content and other stuff. Also xprox's blog is also pretty good. some of the posts are this is what im up to now but about the same amount are addressing other things and are pretty good. well i think that is enough advertising, ill try to get my sidebar updated soon. MAYBE tomorrow, tonight prob not.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

here fishy fishy fishy

'all sides point to yes'

how do you discover this?

ok, i should be going to bed, but i was watching some tonight show and it was awesome. It was Vin Diesel and then the FREAKING AMAZING Stevie Starr, 'The Great Regurgitator'. I saw this guy a while ago on Guiness world records tv thing. he can swallow quarters then bring them up in any order. it was pretty amazing. but today, he did that and more. swallowed 2 fish, then brought them up and they continued swimming in the tank. then something crazy. swallowed powdered sugar. then drank 2 glasses of water. then, brought up the sugar and it was still a powder. CRAZY. o, and he also swallowed a billiard ball, it might have been a little smaller but not really. and yes the ball came back up. but he always makes these noices, im not sure how many are necessary and how many are just for fun. but anyway, he is amazing, and here is a site with a bit about him.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005



Here is a post that i copy and pasted off of X-prox's weblog. im not sure how many of you follow the link there but i thouhgt this was worth copying. but x-prox is not accually the writer of it, he got it from an email, so i dont feel so bad about stealing it.

Subject: One Hundred People

If we could shrink the earth's population to a village
of precisely 100 people, with all the existing
human ratios remaining the same, it would look
something like the following:

There would be ~

57 Asians

21 Europeans

14 from the Western Hemisphere, north & south

8 Africans

52 would be female

48 would be male

70 would be non-white

30 would be white

70 would be non-Christian

30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual

11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's
wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States

80 would live in substandard housing

70 would be unable to read

50 would suffer from malnutrition

1 would be near death

1 would be near birth

1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education

1 would own a computer

When one considers our world from such a compressed
perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding
and education becomes glaringly apparent.

The following is also something to ponder...

If you woke up this morning with more health than are more blessed than the million who will
not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the
pangs of are ahead of 500 million people in
the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death…you are more blessed than three
billion people in the world.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back,
a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75%
of this world!

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish are among the top 8% of the worlds

If your parents are still alive and still are very rare,
even more rare in the United States and Canada.

If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing
in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are
more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot
read at all.

hope ya'll enjoyed it. make sure to check out the LNR/artichokes collaboration poll on the sidebar, and you better pick the right one.

Monday, February 21, 2005

a little old school

i have done it again

that is right, i have thought the ideal idea. ok, so im listening to "the newest radio station on the face of the planet", 91.7 the bounce. edmontons new urban station. and a song comes on that i maybe sort of recognize (an older one) and im thinking, i want to know what song this is. so then it comes to me. why dont radio stations have a place on their website in which you can see the songs played recently. so you log on and they say, this song played and this on is playing now or something. ive listened to internet radio and they do this, but it would be cool for radio stations to do this, then people would know all the cool songs. anyway untill next time.

So far so good

wow. so far reading week has been great. friday night i went to a party thing and they had food and karaoke. food is always good, but i hadnt tried karaoke before. after trying the sing Battle of new orleans (im sure the verses were suposed to be sung faster), i got a little carried away. i sang everything from billy joel's piano man to britany spears' one more time. it was definitly fun (for me) though. the next day, slept in did nothing all day, then hung out with friends. then at midnight the lady who was having the party on firday was turing 50 on sunday so we decided to buy the largest panties we could had hang them on her lawn. It was the funnest thing hanging 6XL underware on string at midnight, then stringing them on the lawn. it was SOOOOO MUCH FUN. then last night i went tobogganing with friends then went and ate ice cream and played settlers of catan. it was awesome. so overall, the weekend has been great. and tomorrow im going to hang out with my sister i havnt seen for a couple months. reading week is awesome.

Friday, February 18, 2005

What can I say? Posted by Hello

The correct way and quote of the day

I should be in bed. but i wanted to post but my homework took longer than anticipated so here i am. but any way a big thanks to my sister who provided me with the lovely picture above (the main reason im posting). its so good. if you remember i made reference to it a while ago but could find a pic. so there it is.
the correct way I was talking to a friend the other day and we got on the topic of backpacks. [note: once again i will be using incorrect grammer by referring to singular unnamed-gender person as they]. so they were saying that they were at MEC and learned the proper way to wear a packpack "seatbelt" thing. you are suposed to but the middle of the strap on your pointy part of your hip bone. i then tried this and you can really feel the weight on your hips. this is good cuz it takes the weight off the shoulders. so now you can all know how to wear a backpack.
Quote of the day I still love thursdays. they seem to get better and better every week. but then again with is midterm week so we are all partially crazy, and we had our last midterm this morning so we were all chillin'. but anyway we have an assignment due friday and so we were working on it along with some other stuff and a friends friend comes up. so they (used it again) are asking about the assignment and stuff and they are wondering if it takes long or not. one of my friends says that it does take a while. the friends freind is then like, "I dont have much time, but ive got friends."
and the quote of the day (which could i guess include the part pervious)

"Having friends is better than having time"
-person referring to doing an assignment

we all laughed pretty good at this. it was funny, and thurday. serious, so cool. like reading week next week. yah.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

cant be a week

Greetings, It is I, Ian, returning to bring you hopefully pleasure. As im sure at least one of you noticed, the sidebar has not changed for the last week. this is due to several reasons, and since i dont really feel like making excuses, so, i was busy, and its midterm week. right now i prob should be sleeping studying or doing homework, i am doing none of them. ill prob do some studying yet tonight, but maybe not. So, news and whatever from the last week or so:
St. Vanentines Day now for all you who think ill right some romantic or some deep thing about it, heh heh heh, right. cuz not only do i not do that, im also really not that good at it. so, mmmmmmmm candy. ever think it is bad for you to eat compacted sugar with writing on it? probably, but meh. and cinnamon hearts are good.
Charcoal mmmmmm. thick water with a sandy aftertaste (and residue). no, i wasnt on fear factor or anything, i accually enjoyed raspberry jam. yes, consuming raspberry jam is accually tied to drinking charcoal. so to make a long story only moderatly long, it begins. So i have some breakfast, toast with raspberry jam (and i think eggs). all is fine, grab my stuff and head off for school. i get not to far, and my lips start hurting. im like o crap. see my lips get sore at first when i have an allergic reaction (weither a large or a small one). so im like, ill see what happens. so i keep walking, i get maybe half way there and im getting other signs of a reaction, so out comes the wallet and down goes a benadryl. i keep goin to school and get there and still all reactiony and stuff. so i go to class hopeing it will go away. then my hands get itchy and my back and i have hives on my arms. now being itchy is annoying, being itchy when you are sitting in class, even more so. so finnally half an hour in im like, screw this im going to the hospital. [note: now i have to add something. im going to call the teacher the room nazi. but i mean that in more of a funny way, not really a cruil way. i know many of you really dont like him and stuff, but i do. i do agree he does have some interesting (ie not good) teaching technics, but overall i think he is a good guy (why am i such a optismist/nice guy?). so anyway we arnt allowed to leave the class after 15 minutes had passed (except to go to the bathroom or something, but not like leave leave). so im sure if i packed up my stuff and said i was going to the hospital that wouldnt be a problem, but since i am the "finding errors guy", i didnt that was a really good idea, and also i really didnt want to tell the whole class. but the finding error thing, sometimes on the slides, there are mistakes in the formulae and such, and i often catch these. so, no lie, we will be in class, and if i dont say anything, then he will turn to me and ask "havnt found any errors yet?". and the other day there was a 1 subcript rather than a 0, and when i wrote it down i wrote down the 1, then noticed it later and changed it, thinking i had made the mistake. then somone else pointed it out and he turned to me and said, "you didnt catch that one?", ya but i think it is kinda funny. and i made up for it by thinking there was an error in the last equation, but there wasnt, but really who takes the derivative with respect to a-knot, when there is also a t?] but to get on with my story. i left my stuff and just left (we had the next 2 classes in the same room so it was ok). i get to the hospital and walk like 40 miles through the hospital to get to emergency. i get there and the dude helps me at the counter, asks me the stuff and whatever. then i have to go to the registration thing, but the guy thought i was "raspy and short of breath" so he wheels me over there in a wheelchair. so i do all that, then he wheels me into the emergency place (allergic reactions are the best cuz you get instant service, also if you have heart problems/cheast pain). so im the only one in the "trama" unit place. i really dont feel that bad. but i strip down for the nurses and they hook me up to all this stuff and ask me whats wrong ect. then the doctor comes basically says hi, then leaves and talks to the other docter about what they will give me and they decide to give me benadryl, something and something else. i forget. so into the iv they go. then he gets the idea to give me charcoal to stop any more raspberry jam from entering my sytem. si out comes a bottle of charcoal. (i made a joke about chocholate flavoured stuff, and they accually looked for flavoured stuff for kids) so i have a straw drinking this thick water with dirt in it. when im done my lips were (apparently) black and stuff. overall pretty bad. but i got it down. then not too long after that (to shorten the story i left out some o the jokes) they wheel me into the B unit, for the ordinary monitared people. so i hang out ther efor prob close to 2 hours, then they finally let me go. and it worked out perfectly that i got to go and catch my friend with my stuff just as the last class of the day was ending. so the moral of the story, i guess im now allergic to raspberries and/or raspberry jam.
SNL i feel i should at least say something about this. it was good this week. and some funny quotes. Bateman on Arrested Development vs. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: "how can we compete with a hot shirtless guy making a skate ramp for a kid with no bones?" hilarious, and i have to agree with my dad that it would be hard if not impossible to do all that in a week. Tina on weekend update (jimmy come back): " Macaulay Culkin and [name] will testify in the michael jackson trial saying he didnt try to molest them when they were young, in a related story, im going to testify in the william blake murder trial because william blake didnt try to murder me." and classic Jimmy: "o ya, my wife is a black bear, who's the idiot now tina?" Timberlake (old on as well): " im gonna need a new menu, this ones on fire"
NHL. yes, it is sad, official, and not that suprising. im also sure that those of you who are "boycotting" professional sports dont care/are glad by this, but :P. they were having some good talks recently but couldnt agree. the bad thing, they probably wont be having such serious talks til like october again. stupid strikes.
boycott/lent. im sure some of you have noticed that in order to sign onto messanger, you have to download the new version. i dont really feel like doing this. so i was unoffically boycotting messanger. this was because:
1. I sedom talk to people on it
2. you come across weird, people cant always get what you are trying to say.
3. Im sure i could spend my time better.
ya, that and maybe some other ones. now all you guys will be like, "o ian is boycotting something for no good reason, hes stupid". well maybe, but meh. But then when i was thinking of a title for this section, i thought of a good idea (which im sure you know what it is now), im giving up messanger for lent. and i think i was probably pretty close to starting on the right time too. weird. anyway, ya that is my lentingness. I will say that messanger is nice if you need to talk to someone, but we do have phones, or email. i find it funny how we are slipping, a while ago a friend, who shall remain nameless, left a message for me in a comment. sure its nice to have people respond to comments and be all talkative and stuff, but it seems weird to catch up by leaving messages on the internet where eveyone can read them. thats my opinion anyway. i really think my keyboard should stop typing after about 10pm. i always say interesting things, maybe its good, like the bad auditions on american idol to boost the ratings, but im not sure. but reading week next week so i will have lots of "free" time, so i should be updating the sidebar this weekend.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I love it

greetings. todays topics, trailers again and apprentice.
Aprentice WOW, can you say crappy commercials? the magna cucumber washing commercial, WHY? like really. im sorry bad idea. and the actress had a reason to be mad, they were sitting there for almost 2 hours. sounds like fun. Net worth, the idea was an o k one. it wasnt terrible, but it was poorly adapted. Not too much to say about it. ok, last week, micheal was absolutely TERRIBLE (from how they made it look on tv). this week, he did the same thing, he was against the idea the team had, but rightly so, it was a terrible idea. i was thinking that magna would try to get him fired, but going into the boardroom, im like, micheal has the best chance of not getting fired. and tana? im not sure ive seen her before. i dont remeber her from the challenge and there she was in the board room with a blank look on her face while audrey and kristen argued. also erin was always shown with a discussed look on her face, kinda funny. but next week, everyone if up to be fired, should be interesting.
summary: Both commercials did suck. micheal was better than last week. I would have fired Kristen.
APRIL 8TH I cannot wait, Sahara. I watched a trailer (here) and it was awesome. I think it is going to be a great movie. my only beef, is the characters seem quite different from the books. giordino looks funny in the movie, but he just seems wrong. anyway im goin to watch this movie it is most likely going to be good.
summary: Sahara, April 8th. Looks good but characters seem differnt from book.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Small, but the middle toes are webbed. now who's feet you ask? why Mr Ashton 'wednesday' Kutcher.

No i really did want to say this stuff today

Maybe one or two things i could have included in the last post, but not everything was in my mind somewher at the time.
Great halftime show. ok, I think the best halftime show this year would have been, Linkin Park and Jay Z. how awesome would that have been. They make some sick, mad, ill, phat music.
Remix. Ok if i ever made a song, then decided to remix it, this is what it would be like. First of all, it would be eminem music, remixed by linkin park so it was similar but cool cuz it was new. then i would get someone to say at the beginning, "This is the Remix". I think i would need lil Jon to yell anything he wanted at anytime. that would be cool. and prob it would feature twista, cuz he has mad fast rapping skills. im not sure what else, but i think what would be a pretty good remix, all i need is a song. . .
Trailers. another cool thing about watching the superbowl was seeing movie trailers. there are 2 movies, The longest yard (Sandler) and Batman: Begins (Bale), that i have known were coming out for a while, like months, but i got to see trailers for them. It was cool, "does it come in black?". i love trailers. even if ive seen the trailer, then the movie and the movie sucked, i still like watching the trailer. im weird.
Ashton Wednesday? So today (the 7th) is Ashton Kutcher's (HES AWESOME) birthday (and also chris rock's who is also in the above mentioned longest yard. So i got thinking to myself, could Ashton's bday, fall on the same day as Ash Wednesday (the 9th this year). i was thinking that IF ash wednesday WERE the second wednesday of feb, then his birthday would never fall on it, and that would be sad. so because i didnt know how the system worked, so what did i do? thats right, i looked on my little friend the internet. (did you know there is a catholic encyclopedia?) So anyway i stumbled into this sight and it really helped. ash wednesday is 46 days before easter. and eater has a confusing and long thing to decide when it is but long story short, it is between March 22 to April 25th (inclusive). But i wasnt 100% sure that that would mean that ash wednesday could fall on the 7th or not due to leap years or whatever, but i found some close dates then just started plugging numbers, and, on Ashton Kutcher's 57th birthday, he will celebrate it along with Ash Wednesday (thats 1935 in case you are wondering). then it occured to me, maybe he was names ASHton because he WAS born on ash wednesday, so i checked and, it wasnt. BUT Ash wednesday WAS the 8th. so Ashton was born the day before ash wednesday. so maybe that explains the name, ill check bio. inconclusive. doesnt say. o well maybe another day.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

The rope people, confetti, and D-Nab

Superbowl rants

well well, another year another superbowl. How big is the superbowl. It is basically THE TV moment of the year. that is my opinion anyway. so, here is a list of things i noticed during the bowl. bold thing gonna be different, This is prob going to be a long post so just read th first couple words to see what im sayin.
1. The Vince Lambardi? A common mistake or something not everyone knows. if you play in the Grey Cup game, you win the Grey Cup, if you play in the Superbowl, you dont win the superbowl. you win the Vince Lumbardi Trophy. the superbowl would be cooler.
2. XXXIX to XL now ill say that 39 isnt very complex in roman numerals, but something like 38 (XXXVIII) it kinda long. but once you get to 40 (or 50 is better) its pretty easy. XL. you wont need so much room to represent the number. like when in the movie industry they went from MCMIX (1999 maybe?) to MM. alot easier to see.
3. Turf head On one of Philly's first first downs in which Smith dove and caught the ball (it was a nice catch). When he came up, he had a chunk of grass and dirt on the right side of his helmut.
4. And its tied So 0-0 after 1. What i believe is only the 3rd time in SB history in which it was scoreless after 1. Then 7-7 after 2. the second time the games has been tied at half. pretty cool, but when was that last time? SB XIII. thats right, 13 times 3 is 39. hmmmmm? and yes, i am a nerd.
5. Homestar yes they had a thing that they were going to update during halftime. It really wasnt working well for me, maybe because of the traffic, maybe not. but i did see at least part of the thing and it was really funny. TROGDOOOOOR!!!.
6. WOW this is a shout out to all those amazing catches out there (if im allowed to shout out to catches). there were alot of amazing catches, but my favorite. In the 4th, 2nd and 7 and quick low pass and called incomplete. They look at it, hits the recievers hands, hangs in the air like an inch above the ground then bounces up into the air, then the reciever comes up with the catch. Philly cahllenges and gets the call reverced. it was pretty amazing.
7. Bruschi How cool is the name Bruschi, yes pronounces Brewsky. Tedy Bruschi of the NE Pats, has one of the coolest football names, honorable mentions to Gay and Woodcock.
8. Simpsons break Good simpsons. But then again i liked last season and many didnt. but the mario thing seemed odd. was it just me or was it not a simpsons thing to do, it didnt seem like it, but it was funny. now for some funny quotes. Flanders: "that mouth is hopin' for a soapin'", Tom Brady (something like) "tom is better than everyone", Homer: "crotch grabbing will be the sun", Church sign (always funny): "rapture threat level: orange", and finally: "Labron James: Omlets for dinner, this is best day of my life. Lisa: Didnt you just sign a 90 million dollar contract. James: ya that was a good day too."
9. American Dad meh. Not a huge fan. it had some funny stuff, like how he is paranoid and he shot the toaster repeditvly. but the talking goldfish: not that funny and kind of annoying. Alien: Spewing mucus, not that funny. Family: arnt they all the same. especially similar to family guy. I might give it another chance but im not sure ill be a fan.
10. Montage One thing i really like about sports, especially the during big games, montages. like clips to DMX-party up, or the killers, or like anyone else. so good and enthusiating (causing enthusiasm, not an actuall word). nothing gets me pumped up like the pre-kickoff montage.
11. Coin toss this year it was kind of cool that the little kid did it, but it wasnt a good toss. it was a lob. i dont think it flippd at all. I wonder how many times the kid practised?
12. "TO's will play a role in the game" On saturday i saw on yahoo! that some expert was saying the bolded text. i think that was a good call. when do TO's not play a role? its like saying, "this team lost due to missed opertunities". and sure there couldnt have been any TOs but then the expert could have said that they won by not giving TOs. how bad is it that McNabb threw almost half as many TOs in the game as in the ENTIRE SEASON. I beleive 8 in the season, and he had 4 in the game, but one was called back on a flag, so technically 3.
13. This is a clock, ever seen one?RRRRRRRRRRR. this is my im angry section. w h i c h a l s o t u r n s o u t t o b e n u m b e r t h i r t e e n , often referd to as an 'unlucky' number. (spaced out t e x t shows slow suspicious like voice). But like on the eagles last drive, it was a good drive, but it was in like slow motion. like did they think that they were only down by 7, or maybe they thought there were 5 quarters, o o o, or maybe they thoguht THEY were winning. LIKE COME ON. YOUR IN THE FREAKIN' SUPERBOWL, DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO MANAGE THE FREAKIN' CLOCK. YOU RAN A BIT OF HURRY UP OFFENCE AT THE END OF THE FIRST HALF. ERRRRRRRRRRRR!!! or had to get it out. (note: about 2 mins in at most i deciced that i wanted to chear for the eagles, so i did.) The defence played well for the last 12 downs of the Pats, and they got a bit unlucky on the onside kick, but clock management on offence was CRAP. CRAP I TELL YOU. ok, im done.
14. Halftime show I wanted a tradition to start. picture this, at the end of the show, Paul Macartny lifts up his shirt and shows a little nipple. how funny would that have been? I woulda laughed heartly. but he didnt. Or if JT ran on and riped his shirt. ok, maybe a little far, but how can we let a superbowl pass without bringing up Janet. Cool things: The four slanted floorlike screens with the same picture looked cool, all the fireworks during live and let die, and almost 73 THOUSAND PEOPLE (plus the veiwers at home) all singing NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HEY JUDE. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HEY JUDE. pretty cool.
15. commercial Superbowl time is one of the most sought ofter times for a commercial. companies spend tons of money making comercials. and do to our geography, we are stuck with the same old stupid ones. darn. but I did see one, it was a budweiser one and it was good but not a great one concidering it was coming from bud. But i have a great idea. i think that veiwers should be able to vote on the crappiness of superbowl commercials. that way if a company got a crappy rating, they wouldnt be allowed to have a superbowl commercial the next year. i think it is a good plan.
16. tv shows I sorta touched on this but to enforce my saying that the superbowl is the biggest TV event of the year, i ramble more. So, when family guy and/or king of the hill made their deput, it was right after the superbowl. and this year, a "sneak peak" at a new show 'family guy 2', uh sorry no, i mean 'american dad'. animated comedies revolve around the superbowl. Simpsons specials :Treehouse of horror (halloween), christmas (who doesnt do a christmas special) and superbowl.
17. MVP/PWTTBTM(person who touched the ball the most). This year isnt the best example, but very often the quarterback gets the MVP. now why would this be? well except for the center, he is the only person to touch the ball on every possesion. so say you have a team that is all really good, and the quarteback passes off to everyone and hands off and stuff so everyone has decent stats but no one stands out, naturally the QB would get the MVP even though he might not have been. but you could argue that he did give it to everyone and thats impressive, but (im really not sure this is a good point or arguement so im ending number 17 now.)
18. nothing ok ya i think that is all, i probably missed some stuff, o i remember
19. ring around the winners The rope thing. as soon as the game was over, a bunch of yellow vest wearers ran onto the field all holding a long rope. they circled the people on the field. Im guessing it was cuz its hard for someone to run through a rope. but still a little funny.
20. nothing agianok, now im done i think. its been fun. check in next year

PS-i thought of this after i posted so im editing rather than commenting
21. Airplanes last year it was a stealth bomber, this year 4 somethings during the national anthem. you know what would be cool like 20 f-18s or something coming over at like mach 1+. that would be so cool. I wish they would so that at my house. also,
22. Throw the flag You prob know that i think the NFL's challenge flag is one of or the coolest things ever. but one thing about it, you never see the coach accually throw it, they seem to know when the coach is going to throw it but never show it. they should have a coach cam in the corner of the screen at tiems that seem possible for him (or her) to throw it. that would be cool. and it sorta relates to the superbowl, all 3 challenges were won in the superbowl (on of them the amazing catch and the others 'fumbles' that turned out not to be). and done again.

PPS seriously this is bad, im sorry
23. go long So when the game started, im like hmmm pop would be nice. and philly just challenged and its a commercial break so ive got a bit of time so i jogged to the corner store to pick up some pop. then on the way back with my 2 litre of pepsi (i had to think pepsi or coke but decided on pepsi cuz i have coke at home in cans but i sorta felt bad buying it). but in honour of the superbowl, i carried my pepsi like a football. it was kinda fun. also that first sip after pouring a new glass was sooo cool. i love the carbination of coke/pepsi, especially in the morning. well thats all, again. hopefully for good.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

makin' me feel over 50%

What is the point?

So im starting this post with very little to say, but i think that is a good thing. usually i have a good amount of things to say and then i think of more and the post gets out of hand. Also, i would like to appologise is advance for any words/sentences/anythings that dont make sence, i have a cold now and so my brain isnt working very well. im on Dayquil so i feel not too bad, but still not thinking 100%. So things to say, accually it has to do with Dayquil. So they come in caplets, in that "handy" punch package. like Dentyne gum wrappers. you can see the stuff and you need to push it through a "thin" tin foil barrier to get at it. only with the dayquil, not so easy to punch it. after using a knife to get it open the first time (when the package says "liquid capsals" I didnt really want to puch too hard) i notices on the foil "Tear at notch or use scissors to open blister package". so what exactly is the point of this method of holding pills? i dont know. you need scissors or to tear wildly at it to get it open, doesnt seem like the most effective. also who uses it? thats right cold sufferers. now being one of them i realize how much energy, strength and drive they have, also how shakey/uncordinated/bad at finesse things they can be. so if doug can jab himself in the finger causeing many stiches, while (im assuming) not impared by anything, then why would they encourage clod sufferers to use sharp objects to get at their releif, which they want very baddly? it doesnt seem like a good plan. well thats about all, except that i really like ludacris' "romantic" singing in 'Lovers and Friends' by lil Jon & the East Side Boyz fe. usher and luda. good stuff

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The average american eats their weight in cheese every 5 years 9 months. (based on my calculations and averages from here and here

10% tuesday

Note: I would advise chiropactors (like any visit here) or other people who are concerned about the spine and body, not read this post. but i encourage those who will appreciate my manliness to read it.
So today is Feb 1, and you know what that means, 10% off groceries like everywhere. i usually miss the first tuesday but i could it this week. so on the way home from school (after i eventually got there) i stopped by the Safeway that is only like 10 blocks out of my way. There is a little grocery store near my house but it doesnt have really good selection so i occationaly hit the Safeway or the other IGA nearby to get different stuff or good deals. i have to say now that im really not a big fan of the Safeway clubcard. It is just a way to track what people buy. the one good thing about it though is that for 2 weeks, i won 10% off all grocery purchases. that was kinda cool. stupid marketing campains that work (shakes fist). But the other thing i like about the club card is after you purchases there is like the "this is what you would pay if you were just an 'ordinary' person" and then they swipe your card and all these numbers flash up and the money counts down til you get to the "you are in the club, this is your sweet price". so today im wondering around the store, i figure i will just go up and down every ilse and that way i shouldnt forget anything. So i start in the meat section and work my way over. now, since i have to carry everything home i know better than to get a cart, carts hold alot more than i can. So it turns out that almost everything i need to buy is on the half of the store near the meat section. so im loading up my little basket and after a while I am accually worried it might break. the last 3 or so items i had to carry because they wouldnt fit in the basket. and i ended skipping all the cleaning/bathroom supplies isles because i didnt think i need anything from them, and my basket was really heavy. So i stand in line at it is moving VERY SLOW. but anyway eventually i get to the front and the lady starts the scanning and stuff. so we get to the end and it is nearly 100 dollars. wow. but then the card swipe. goes down to about 76 or so im like, thats pretty good. but wait so some reason, it goes down some more, so like 73ish. im like nice. THEN the lady is like ok, now the 10%. BAM, another 7 something off. so i end up paying like 65. i "saved" like 25 dollars. so that was all good but i was really dreading the walk home (cuz im still an estimated 12 blocks from home). So i pick up the first bag off the counter, and im like oh no. so i go to the store entrance/exit and put a couple of bags into my backpack. and head off with 2 bags in each hand and 2 on my back in my backpack. and of course the groceries seems heavy like 2 blocks away from the store . and there is also the one thing you forget and you remember like one block away. and in this case i remembered another one at about 3 blocks, i feel special. So the whole way home, if i saw an intersection i would be like, for example, 106th, 5 over 4 down, 9 blocks 9 blocks. And then i got to an intersection that seems close to my house, but then figure out that it is really only like half way, crap. so about at this half way mark, i have this great idea that when i get home, weigh myself to see how much weight I am carrying. so that is what i do. i get home, go to the bathroom and hop on the scale. 210 and change. i was carrying 1/3 of my body weight!! and i didnt even have any textbooks or my binder (which i just weighed at about 7 or 8 pounds and it is only like 3 weeks into school, just wait til april) . mostly groceries. Then i figure that next time im just going to buy a 50 pound ant and then the ant can carry me home with no problem. Ya, then i decided i needed sour cream for my tacos, so i ran, accually ran, to the store 4 blocks away. lets just say im not in my prime. it wasnt painful but if i had run much farther it woulda been. im in lousy shape. well thats about all for now. enjoy savings,