Sunday, October 31, 2004

Mark Hammel and Osama bin Laden

Now i realize you are all probably saying, Why would Ian talk about both of them in the same post, well i am here to show you haw Osama is liks Hammel. So what do we know about MH, he shows up in the movie scene and gives a poor to ok performance in 3 of the all time greatest movies (star wars for all you sheltered people out there). So basically he was huge and everyone knew who he was. Now? Made some guest appearences on TV, and done some voices for video games or cartoons. basically he has been in almost no movies.
now OBL. anyone ever hurt of 9-11? exactly. suddenly OBL is well know and wanted (and worth a ton of money). recently? he occationally releases a video to the tv which he just sits there and talks. nothing earthmoving. So both hammel and Laden came on to the scene is a blaze of "glory", becoming instant stars, now, they just occationally appear on tv and hardly anyone remembers them. weird eh?

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Kinda mixed up

Now for a post in which i talk a little bit about whatever i want.

1) watching the simpsons treehouses of horror, so funny. But anyway, Nov 7th new simpsons treehouse. I am so looking forward to the new simpsons season.

2) 2 days later, HALO 2 (insert chanting here) good times with the first one, hopefully ill get to play the second one often or at least a bit.

3) I really dont like it when a series (say That 70s Show) doesnt have a new show on at the time the usuall show is on. It must been something this week because neither TSS nor Joey had a new show on. weird.

4) the whole 96X fugative/accompish thing is over. its about time.

5) Why is Ryan Seacrest famous? is it because on On Air with ryan Seacrest or another reason. I ask this because i was listening to American Top 40 on the radio and RS is the host, and accually i didnt mind the show, the music was pretty good and it wasnt all stupified and lame "joke" enhanced like Rick Dees Weekly Top 40.

6) time change. All you albertans and other time changing people, time change so set your clocks back an hour. Yet another cununfrum of time occurs, i will begin watching SNL at 2430, and watch it for 1 hour 30 mins until 0100. hmmmm. Eminem is musical host tonight (tomorrow).

7) watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and a couple comments.
a) so far its a real good movie
b) there is a new indiana jones coming out in 2006.

8) that reminde me that i found out today that the muppets are making The Mupets' Wizard of Oz for TV in 2005. Ashanti is playing dorathy Gale. Did anyone else know dorathy had a last name?

9) Thanks to the DaVinci Code and Jeanine have started in me an amazement of the number phi and the golden ration. Here are some S I T E S (i havn't read all these sites, i yahoo!ed it and took the first 5 relivent ones.)
Emprace the randomness, now i will leave you a quote of myself "The secret to becoming a good chef is to lower your standards" -IAN WILSON

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

SFX or SEX, you decide

Dirty Sublimital messages in Disney?

Just so you all know, This is not a desperate stab at getting more hits by haveing the word sex on my web-log. I think i should start at the beginning. So i am reading the book "The DaVinci Code". This is a great book, but i would recomend you read it slightly scepically. There is alot of interesting stuff in the book, but i really dont know how much of it is true. But anyway, in this one part the main character is talking about this one time when a student brought in the movie "The Lion King" and paused it at a point in which some dust or stuff forms the word SEX in the air. He goes on to talk about how Walt Disney did sexuality things in his films (you really need to read the book to understand, im not saying Walt was a pervert or anything). But so this sex in the wind and other things (the mouse one is the funniest one), maybe Dan Brown (author or TDVC) was accually on to something. Or just took coincidences and turned them into a good story. Either way, the "official" word about the sex in the wind is that it doesnt say SEX, but SFX (the group who did the special effects). I have seen the SFX thing on and several other places as well. Me? well the sex people do have a point, after watching it, i concure that it does appear to be a bottom rung on the F, if that is what it is. Why this is i have no idea. maybe it is just to help make the SFX less obvious, or Dan Brown is close to the truth, or maybe the "drawer" really should not be working on kids movies. Basically i found it interesting and thought i would pass on the "info" to ya'll,

catch it while you can.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Is it a sign?

So this is a sciency post to give ya'll the heads up for a lunar eclipse. It will occur on wednesday between 22:23 and 22:45 EDT(in north america). You wont want to miss it cuz it wont happen again til march 2007. And this one is a good one cuz the moon passes almost exactly through the center of the earths shadow so it will last almost as long as possible. I would get into it more but i really dont feel like explaining it now. here is some info or you can google it for more. But an interesting fact, This will be the first lunar eclipse during a World Series game. 2 other times the eclipse has been a day before or a day after the game. But also the red sox might have finally broken "the curse of the bambino". losts of cool info but im not in a posting mood so check it out here.
Enjoy the eclipse,

Monday, October 25, 2004

Are you paranormal? I am Posted by Hello

Spelling isnt all its cracked up to be

this is cool. read it, yes you can accually read it

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt


Sunday, October 24, 2004

Lindsay Lohan Harry Potter Sketch I commented on a while ago


Ha ha. I love making fun of people i dont like (the ones i dont accually know, like famous people, accually i like making fun of my friends in a friendly way too). So i was watching SNL yesterday and ashley simpson was the musical guest, on her second song the music started then she sang like, "On a monday (or whatever) then it kinda faded out. Now since im not a big ashley simpson fan i wasnt really watching it cuz i was doing something else at the time. then at the end of the show, jude law is like "This happens its live TV" and AS is like "Im so sorry, my band started playing the wrong song so i just decided to do a ho-down" So i figure that she sang the same song twice, but no. link. that is a link so you can watch the video of it. but i will explain it too. So she gets up there, the music starts, the whole "monday (fade out)" thing happens only she wasnt singing. In fact here microphone was nowhere near her face. So after this she dances around like a dork then walks off the stage like 30 sec into the song. So the bad is all cool (one of the guys had a pink guitar) and just keeps playing then after like maybe a min of total musci time, they break to commercial. at the time i entirely missed the whole thing, but now that i hear about it im like he he. Ya but now about the SNL. I thouhgt it was a pretty good one. the first sketch was good, "speaking of poles, you know who has never been poled? Dick Chainies daughter". The the monologue was really good. and the Sky captain spoof was pretty good. One thing i didnt really like was the bush impressions, they should find someone better to do them. And i miss Jimmy on weekend update, but the "Ohhhh, this banana is so hard to eat" was really funny. Anyway, overall (y) (<-thats a mess thumbs up) SNL. And im really looking forward to eminem as the musical guest next week.

PS has ashley simpson always been black haired? i have a feeling i thought she was blonde? (yes i realize that isnt a question)

The Aftermath

Now that is a nice bruise

Yes i am accually talking about this "sport"

In while avaoiding studying and watching tv, i saw a story on the news about a figure skater who suffered a concusion. the name, Tatiana Totmianina. She was being held above her partner, by her parnter, i a lift move. then she basically fell on her face. The first time i saw it im like, it doesnt look that bad, then i saw it again and she pretty much landed on her face. ouch. Ya well its not too bad cuz she was realised from hospital today and the CT scans, X-rays and neurological tests were all negative. If you want more info or to conferm, go here or here. enjoy

PS I wanted to get a pic of the fall itself but didnt find one

Friday, October 22, 2004

HOW SEXY IS THAT (look up)

YES. I (we) have done it. thats to my brothers link and jon's help and posting of the pic. what is this incredible feat might you ask? well thanks for asking, i have "beaten the oods" (-Jon), and got a faveicon on my webpage. Yes the favicon would be the sexy "I" in the address bar and in front of my name on your bookmark. So ya, doug i did it :P. ya, dont worry ill hook you up. enjoy ya'll
PS man i stoked

catchy new song

hello there music lovers. while listening to 96X i discovered this great new song, WE FALL WE FALL by "Dead Celebrity Ststus". I have included a link to the video (mostly so i can get to it faster). The video is pretty good, but the whole blood thing is a little odd, also the random guitar solo is confusing but over all a great song, enjoy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

So cool

So i was at my math midterm reveiw today and saw some of my old friends from last year. Well one of them had a cut up back of his hand. So it turns out he was walking along by the MECE building and an icicle fell and hit his hand. It is so cool, the bakc of his hand is all cut up and stuff. I just thought i would share the good story with you.

True to the name

Alright everyone get ready to be suprised. There is a new REALITY TV show. WOW. i never knew those were popular. anyway. Today was the premeir of NBC's THE BIGGEST LOSER. I saw some preiews for this but really had no idea what it was about, i thought it might have something to do with the glutton awards that i heard about several years ago (thanks Big IV). In the glutton awards, people eat like as many hot dogs or as much mayo as they can. Sounded so gross i wanted to watch it. Ya but the biggest loser is just a weight lost contest between two teams, boring. i did only see the last like half hour of it. ya and it it hosted by Caroline Rhea ("Sabrina, The Teenage Witch"). and it has the weakest eliminating line every. Survivor-"the tribe has spoke", the apprentise-"You're Fired", the biggest loser-"You are not the biggest loser". ouch. anyway enough about that. so thats it,

USB christmas tree

USB aquarium

Next Blog Button

So in an effort to avoid homework and sleep, i was carousing the world of blogs. Starting at my own, i then clicked on the next blog button and dove into the world of blogs. After going through some with like no posts, and others in different languages, i stumbled accross some decent to interesting ones. The first had a nice pic or 2. one was mostly about US politics, so i read a bit of it, and the last one i read was like a computery guys one (linkage). he had this one post with some links and i found some cool things. if you look above you will see them, a USB christmas tree and aquarium. I thouhgt they were pretty cool thouhgt id share them with my devoted or random readers. enjoy,

Monday, October 18, 2004

The old one stopped working, then i found this new one

His closet is clean, why not his records?

When it comes to making songs, rhymes, beats, and almost anything else involving music, Eminem is a master. True his latest song "Just lose it" i was diappointed by (I wont get into my dislike of it in this post), but i still listen to it and find it catchy. Enimen has a new CD "Encore" comes out on Nov 16 of this year (one week after Halo 2). Now you think that since I am in awe of eminem i would rush out and buy the CD, right? Wrong. See there is a problem stoping me from rushing out and buying this CD, certain lyrics, lyrics that would no longer make this an all ages site if you get my drift. Basically eminem has alot to say and I for one dont need to here all of it. so i have an idea to help make the album more family oriented is to sell edited CDs. That is right just like all the rap songs on the radio with pauses, scratches, funny noices, or just plain changed lyrics. Now most of you are prob thinking what is the point because you almost always know what they are saying, but they dont accually say it so how is that any better. Well it just is(i should really stop discrediting my own argument). now time for some examples. My first example is how listening to this unedited "parental advisory, explicit lyrics" music can have negative effects. I take my friend as an example (We will refer to him as "one with Yao hair in the morning"). We a group of us were on a trip... and listening (on discmen) to eminem and other "explicit lyical" music. So anyway something happened on that trip and "one with Yao hair in the morning" (who was not a swearing guy) say "what the f..." no it is not edited he did accually stop himself, but just barely. Even he admitted that it was the eminem that made him do it. Ok, maybe a boring example making an obvious point, but i jsut wanted to use "one with Yao hair in the morning". So anyway, bad lyrics not good for you, duh. Ok example 2. only its not really an example , more of a story relating to the topic. So i have this song, "Forgot about Dre" (one of the best rap songs ever) by Dr. Dre and featuring Eminem. So anyway I have the edited song on a CD and listen to it often, often enough that i know a large percentage of the words. so there is this one part of the song (in the eminem verse) that i love to sing along to. It goes something like this (remember this is the edited version, spaces represent pauses) (8) [<-mess icon]...hoppin' out with two broken leg tryin' to walk it off, you too call the cops, I'm gonna you and them loud barkin' dogs, and when the ... . So this is so much fun to sing along to when you have mastered the pause and words and also eminem vented his anger and i only got a small portion of it. My last topic is the terrible editing jobs on radio versions. they should have standards (they must somewhere). like for example the song "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks. the word bitch appears in this song many times. then after the DJ pointed out that they had to edit it out of other songs. Or "Fuel Injected" by Swollen Members (another great song) where they accually change "hypes blunts and hash" to "hot rods and cash" (works really well though) [side note: i belive the CD version of the song is edited accually. they say "hot shhhhh" on the CD] while on another song that was out last year (that i cant exactly remember) droped the f-bomb on the radio, im like whaaa? Also some of the editing jobs are pretty bad, for example "stan" by eminem. apparently "s***" isnt a word that needs to be edited but "in the trunk" is. also some of his one or 2 year old song some editing involves taking the vowel out of the word, thats not editing, thats ,um mumbling? (its late) sory, that wasnt accually my last topic, ive got another one. I really dont like songs that have one swear word thrown in for no real good reason. I think good charlette or someone like that did it in one of their songs, i dont really see the point. Ya so to wrap up this long unflowing post, I belive they should make edited CDs, then there are some more CDs i would give more thought to buying, like anything by eminem, outkast, Nappy roots?, and prob some others. But now an idea i have, comment your favorite or other significant one or 2 line lyrics, pref eminem but some others have good ones. and please use the first letter followed by the correct number of asterixes (*) and any required suffixes. please no @ folloed by $$ or 55. anyway here are mine picks that i can think of right now. "And f***ed it all up like the Taliban" -Everlast, Sleeping Alone
Now for eminem ones, "Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his rap to sell records, well i do so f*** him and f*** you too"-real slim shady "They call me superman, i'm here to rescue you"-Superman "See what these kids do, is hear about us toting pistols And they want to get one, cos they think the s***'s cool"-Sing for the moment (a great rhyme). I think that is all for now, but did anyone notice that the post 2 down (the somebody pleeeease help me) is accually a reference to eminem's "My dad's gone crazy"? {weirded out} [<-strongbad reference]

Thursday, October 07, 2004

best apprentise ever (use comic guy voice)

wow, im watching the apprentise right now. and yes i do realize ive posted like a mad man today, but i guess i just have alot to say. so anyway the apprentise, first it starts out that Pamela (who has a TERRIBLE basketball shot) goes back to the girls team, then totaly goes hitler on they behinds. Very funny. then contest blah blah blah, then the results. the guys team (who is the best, no im not anti female or anything, its just they are the better team, did you SEE the ice cream one?) sells almost $18,000 worth of stuff, and win by 10 DOLLARS. wow. their reward, they get to play bball with anna kornikova and some old tennis dude. They Raj askes kornakova out for coffee, can you blame him? so she said that if he can return 1 out of 5 serves, then she will go for coffee with him, but if he cant, he has to do a dare, which turned out to be running around the stadium in his underware (yes he didnt return a serve, he hit one but it was mostly with his body). Then everyone starts hitting tennis balls at him as he is running, so funny. pamela and maria and stacy are now going into the boardroom, enjoy the reading,

somebody pleeeease help me

WHY? WHY? I DO NoT LIKE SURVIVOR. THEN WHY DO I SEEM TO WANT To WATCH IT? (money money money money (sorry, the apprentise just started)). SO im sitting there during one of the dark times of thursday, (shutter) the survivor hour. Time to do dishes between joey and the apprentise. but for some reason, this week i seemed to sit there, almost wondering what was going to happen. The best way to describe it is this way. You know when you get a sore or something? well what do you want to do. that is right you want to touch it. so you touch it, OWW. then what, you stop? Noooo, that would make sence, you touch it again, OWWW! but you cant stop, it is like a drug. Or another one is if you find something that smells bad, you smell and you are like, gross. but the smell is somewhat familiar. so you smell it again, and still cant recognize, so you do it again and again. That is what happens with me with survivor sorta. I dont like it but i seem to watch it (hardly at all thank goodness). Also the other day i was stroking my "beard"(like a day and a half of stubble. and thought to myself, that would be cool to grow a beard again. then i tought to myself, remember when i had a beard before that was all patchy, then the ghotee that really didnt look good (but it was fun to have). Why would i want to do that again? I think i am losing my mind.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do
Romans 7:15

Found it and just had to share

New Canadian $20-front

New Canadian $20-back

pretty money

So i discovered today (and rememebered while writing the below post) that Canada has a new 20 dollar bill, and accually 100 too. But i accually got to see the 20 and feel it and stuff, and it is cool. Of all the new bills ive seen (5, 10 and now 20). It is by far my favorite. When the 5 and 10 came out, they were cool cuz they are new and different, but this one is just cool. The first thing i noticed about it was the very cool (and sexy) green colour (yes i did use the Canadian version of colour). THe colour is just cool, the old 20 was like a old hospital wall green, whereas the new color just jumps out at you. and the bill is just cool, that the only way to describe it. Check out the security features on the bill, the see through number is like the second thing i noticed and is cool and trippy.
Now some obervations about canadian money. (1) i would like to point out the "SPECIMEN" superimposed (yep, a big word) over the pic, if that wasnt there id pull out the bubble-jet and print me off a 20 or 2. (2) on the bills (well the new 10 and old 20 and prob all the others) it says, "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER" so if someone were to counterfiet it and didnt put that on or put illigal tender, whould they get in any or as much trouble if they were caught? I recall hearing a story (i think on Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story) {that link my not work} that a long time ago, i think in england, the 5 dollar (or whatever the money amount was, ill call it dollar) coin and the 50 dollar coin, were the same weight and size but the 50 was gold and the 5 was silver. So this guy got the great idea to gold plate the 5 dollar ones and thus "make" 45 dollars. So he did this. then he went to a store and bought something for 5 dollars and then paid with his 50 dollar coin. and the cashier gave hime 45 dollars of change. He then tried it agian somewhere else with the same result. So eventually he was caught and taken to court or the equivalent. But we wasnt convicted of anything because he hadnt used the coins as $50 ones, he mearly accepted the change the cashier gave him, so it was the cashiers fault. But that was long ago so i doubt it would work now. And now that it think about it, i am bout 95% sure that the dudes name was Josh something or something Josh, and that is where the "popular" expression "Joshing" [eg are you joshing me?] came from, so now you know, the REST of the story. (3)the guy on the $100 (the old pic was closer) looks like my great grandfather. unfortunatly im not sure what my grandfather's name was, but if you want to see his pic, ask me if you are ever near my dawson home. the guy on the bill is BORDEN. (4) I heard Ron Mclean talk about this on HNIC, but i dont remember it exactly. But anyway on the back of the $5, there are i think 4 kids playing hockey, and only one of them or none of them are left handed, while some high percent of canadian or pro canadian hockey players are left handed. interesting eh? sorry i dont remember it any better but if you have the numbers please comment them. (5) the new $10 i have, Sir John A has a dot that looks like a mole on his nose, he he.
Alright who misses the two dollar bill? It was nice but the toonie has advantages. i think they should bring back the bill and make pop cheaper so the machines would only need a loonie to spit out a pop.

yes this again, but i doubt people read comments

So as of like 6 days ago, the 96X fugitive was caught (read post about 2 down for info on TF). Well that is the end of the story right? WRONG. So all weekend (really convienient that the fugative was caught on friday) they were playing these 'the fugative has been caught interview thingy on monday during the morning show.' So monday morning rolls around and I just, for some reason, had to listen to the interview and stuff. So when my alarm went off, rather than just snoozing, i listened to some radio AND snoozed a bit. So anyway, BJ and Shannon found this peice of paper on there desk or something that said "IT ISNT OVER UNTIL ITS OVER" in the middle in computer writen text. and was signed like TA or AT or something. So they are all playing this up (If youve ever watched pro wrestling, ah... a friend ... told me that sometimes the announcers will talk about this "big" match at the end of the night and its lame or doesnt happen, but they were "talking/playing it up", it was sorta like that) and people are phoning in with ideas and stuff. Then after the fugative comes in and talks for a while about the whole fugative thing, then BJ asks him about the note thing and he is like "hmmmm, let me see that" then like "hmmmmm, i think i might know something about this, [more build suspence and mystery talk]" then finally admits that he had an accomplise. So long and boring story short, now people are looking for the accomplise so they can get a RAV-4 (i think a 2 year lease maybe) and 5 G's (grande, thousand) {that money talk has given me a new idea for a post}. so finally the fugative thing is over and those comercialls are off the air, but now they are replaced with the longer accomplish ones. anyway the fugative thing was a good idea, the accomplise, not so much, but if they take this one step farther, ill go crazy[er]. thats all but if you wanna listen to some or part or whatever (i didnt listen to it) of the fugative interview go here

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Canada 3rd in Gold medals in Athens

I just finished watching something i thouhgt id never see, Canada winning an olympic gold medal in basketball while USA got 7th. now before you all think i spent the night on Whyte or i just woke up after a dream. It is true. It is a little know (and watched) thing called the paralympics. And canada dominated the entire world and took home gold in wheelchair basketball for the second straight olympics. From what i saw of the paralympics, canada was a force to be reckoned with. i also would like to say that i am impressed with all the paralympic athletes. For example, high jump. I want you all to try this. Hop on one leg for like 10 feetish then see how high of a bar you can jump over. try like 1.77 meters (about head height). It is one of the most increadable things. So i saw some clips of this handball like sport in which 3 people on a team on about a tennis court sized court. with soccer nets on both ends the width of the court. the people would roll the ball and try to score while the other team would sprawl out and try to block it. it looked interesting and now i know what it is called Goalball. And i found out an even more interesting thing about it. It is for blind or visionally impared athletes. WOW. i never knew there were blind athletes in the paralympics. Ya so if you ever want to see, sitting volleyball, wheelchair rugby and fencing, goalball, or wheelchair tennis, check out the paralympics.

new look at that place

so weird, today i went to see what movie's were playing at the cheap theatures (im in college) cuz i was considering calling a friend so see if they wanted to catch a flick, but instead i sat in front of the tv all night. well anyway i just went back to the Edmonton movie guide page and its it differetn now. the map has changed. I realize this is very boring but its late and im tired so this is my post, maybe you edmontonians will enjoy it. wahtever, im going to bed,