Awww fall, the time of the year cats think it is burried but it is really just the leaves.
Greetings old people. (I am calling you old as a joke cuz I have not posted in so long you should all be old now, he he). We are now entering that ackward time in the year (no not the "I have an urge to play baseball even if have the field is covered in snow and the other half is muddy/soaking" but similar), the time in which some people begin the transition into the winter months. You know the time when people bring out the winter jackets and scarves and mitts and hot chocolate and, god forbid, christmas carols. Now halloween is comming so the decarations are out and that is ok i guess because it is only 11 days away. But if you look outside (yes there is a world out there) you will notice (at least here) that leaves are still falling. That means that there are still leaves on the trees. Now for some people what is the first sign of fall? That is right, when the first leaf falls. Now on the flip side what could make sense for the end of fall? Maybe, I don't know, when all the leaves are gone. Not just off the trees but also out of sight, like under snow. So why am I so opposed to winter? I'm not sure, but I am. Maybe because its fun, or easy, or different or it makes "interesting" posts. But whatever the reason, I live in denial. "It is only October, thats not winter yet, My shirt or maybe sweater will be adequate." And in most cases it is (if I suck it up and am not a girly man). So if you ask my why its cold or if im cold I'll just be, "No its/I'm not cold, why would it/I be cold, Its not winter."