"Thats some good quality H20"
So what is new with Ian? well im back in school as of today. it wasnt too bad. but also, due to an early birthday present, my goal is to drink 2 litres of water a day. see that is what you are accually supposed to drink. and now that i have a waterbottle it is easier to drink and measure 2 litres. Ya, im thinking it should be helpful, i cant think of anything bad that can come from it. well not nothing. one thing i noticed is that when you drink more water, you have to go to the bathroom alot more. its kind of weird.
ok, i should be going to bed, but i was watching some tonight show and it was awesome. It was Vin Diesel and then the FREAKING AMAZING Stevie Starr, 'The Great Regurgitator'. I saw this guy a while ago on Guiness world records tv thing. he can swallow quarters then bring them up in any order. it was pretty amazing. but today, he did that and more. swallowed 2 fish, then brought them up and they continued swimming in the tank. then something crazy. swallowed powdered sugar. then drank 2 glasses of water. then, brought up the sugar and it was still a powder. CRAZY. o, and he also swallowed a billiard ball, it might have been a little smaller but not really. and yes the ball came back up. but he always makes these noices, im not sure how many are necessary and how many are just for fun. but anyway, he is amazing, and here is a site with a bit about him.
Here is a post that i copy and pasted off of X-prox's weblog. im not sure how many of you follow the link there but i thouhgt this was worth copying. but x-prox is not accually the writer of it, he got it from an email, so i dont feel so bad about stealing it.
that is right, i have thought the ideal idea. ok, so im listening to "the newest radio station on the face of the planet", 91.7 the bounce. edmontons new urban station. and a song comes on that i maybe sort of recognize (an older one) and im thinking, i want to know what song this is. so then it comes to me. why dont radio stations have a place on their website in which you can see the songs played recently. so you log on and they say, this song played and this on is playing now or something. ive listened to internet radio and they do this, but it would be cool for radio stations to do this, then people would know all the cool songs. anyway untill next time.
wow. so far reading week has been great. friday night i went to a party thing and they had food and karaoke. food is always good, but i hadnt tried karaoke before. after trying the sing Battle of new orleans (im sure the verses were suposed to be sung faster), i got a little carried away. i sang everything from billy joel's piano man to britany spears' one more time. it was definitly fun (for me) though. the next day, slept in did nothing all day, then hung out with friends. then at midnight the lady who was having the party on firday was turing 50 on sunday so we decided to buy the largest panties we could had hang them on her lawn. It was the funnest thing hanging 6XL underware on string at midnight, then stringing them on the lawn. it was SOOOOO MUCH FUN. then last night i went tobogganing with friends then went and ate ice cream and played settlers of catan. it was awesome. so overall, the weekend has been great. and tomorrow im going to hang out with my sister i havnt seen for a couple months. reading week is awesome.
I should be in bed. but i wanted to post but my homework took longer than anticipated so here i am. but any way a big thanks to my sister who provided me with the lovely picture above (the main reason im posting). its so good. if you remember i made reference to it a while ago but could find a pic. so there it is.
Greetings, It is I, Ian, returning to bring you hopefully pleasure. As im sure at least one of you noticed, the sidebar has not changed for the last week. this is due to several reasons, and since i dont really feel like making excuses, so, i was busy, and its midterm week. right now i prob should be sleeping studying or doing homework, i am doing none of them. ill prob do some studying yet tonight, but maybe not. So, news and whatever from the last week or so:
greetings. todays topics, trailers again and apprentice.
Maybe one or two things i could have included in the last post, but not everything was in my mind somewher at the time.
well well, another year another superbowl. How big is the superbowl. It is basically THE TV moment of the year. that is my opinion anyway. so, here is a list of things i noticed during the bowl. bold thing gonna be different, This is prob going to be a long post so just read th first couple words to see what im sayin.
So im starting this post with very little to say, but i think that is a good thing. usually i have a good amount of things to say and then i think of more and the post gets out of hand. Also, i would like to appologise is advance for any words/sentences/anythings that dont make sence, i have a cold now and so my brain isnt working very well. im on Dayquil so i feel not too bad, but still not thinking 100%. So things to say, accually it has to do with Dayquil. So they come in caplets, in that "handy" punch package. like Dentyne gum wrappers. you can see the stuff and you need to push it through a "thin" tin foil barrier to get at it. only with the dayquil, not so easy to punch it. after using a knife to get it open the first time (when the package says "liquid capsals" I didnt really want to puch too hard) i notices on the foil "Tear at notch or use scissors to open blister package". so what exactly is the point of this method of holding pills? i dont know. you need scissors or to tear wildly at it to get it open, doesnt seem like the most effective. also who uses it? thats right cold sufferers. now being one of them i realize how much energy, strength and drive they have, also how shakey/uncordinated/bad at finesse things they can be. so if doug can jab himself in the finger causeing many stiches, while (im assuming) not impared by anything, then why would they encourage clod sufferers to use sharp objects to get at their releif, which they want very baddly? it doesnt seem like a good plan. well thats about all, except that i really like ludacris' "romantic" singing in 'Lovers and Friends' by lil Jon & the East Side Boyz fe. usher and luda. good stuff
Note: I would advise chiropactors (like any visit here) or other people who are concerned about the spine and body, not read this post. but i encourage those who will appreciate my manliness to read it.