Lets see what happens
well hear it is. i have returned (for the time being) to the world of posting. I probably have enough stuff to write about to fill several novels (im not saying good quality novels). but enough mish mash, lets get into it (i haver have been good at introductions.
Tiger Irons and Tiger WoodsWOW!!. what else can you say. did anyone see that chip on the 16th? just when you think Tiger is losing his touch, he does that. FREAKING AMAZING.
Smokey Says So lets say you have this thing, lets say a contry. country "Whitmaid". so when this contry elects it's leader, they say, send smoke out of a chimney. so you would think that this chiminey would be part of the main governemnt building. not something they have construct ever time they elect a new leader. If i were to do it, i would make the chiminey part of the building and not have to construct it and take it down.
Almost a hallucinogenic stateSo i have done it. I have pulled an all nighter. i was wake for 43 hours including a 45 min nap. yep, it was pretty crazy. but i did get my report done. I also heard from someone that if you go for more than 48 hours you can start haveing hallucinations. that mighta been cool, but i was too tired.
SLURPEE RUN nothng beat a (good) slurpee run. like the one i had at 3am during my all nighter. it was definity a good ecperience
Its sad when your high score climbs faster than your word count some of you might have noticed the week(s) of the game on the sidebar. im going to try to make it a weekly thing, but no promises, recently the movies and everything else have not been updaed religiously. whatever. but ya im gonna try to make a blog with Ian's game picks.
Well i think that is all for tonight, im tired. and ive got finals and stuff. well enjoy,