Thursday, March 24, 2005
More like Microsoft doesn't Works
Yes i should be in bed but keeping you dedicated fans is important. Todays humourous observation? microsoft works auto correct. Due to use of messanger, my typing speed has increase. but so has my lack of capitalization( or too much capitalization eg. ...the end. THen the other day . . .) also words such as 'hte' (not to be confused with 'teh') are quite often typed. thanks to a little feature somewhere these are automatically corrected for me. that is nice. this nice feature also has an annoyingness when say you dont want to capitalize the first letter of a line for whatever reason and works does it for you. things like no or too many capitals at the beginning of the sentence are common mistakes. so are mixing letters like 'hte' or 'oevr' ans so they are fixed. but sometimes works does things that make no sence to me. for example to day i was doing my homework and i had a graph of the function fxspline. (i solved for fx using the spine tool). so i insert the graph and beneath it type 'fxspline' then procede to hit return (or space cant remember) and then i am suprises. it did capitalize the F, but that is not all. it changed 'fxspline' (not found in the works dictionary) to 'Fishlike'. yes fishlike. Now I ask, how often do you write fishlike? and of those times, how often do you spell it wrong? do you really think it is used enough to have a built in feature that changes words to it? many of you know that i use interestin words while "communicating" ideas, but in post history i have not used the word 'fishlike' (maybe in comments but i really doubt it).
so moral of the story, HA HA works, you're dumb
Thursday, March 17, 2005
its been a while since i last posted so here it is. i was checking out my yahoo! "picks" (more like guesses) for the NCAA tourny. there was an add above for the US army. They have this thing, '2400/7 True stories. Real stories. See them at goarmy.com'. So they have a picture of this guy, and the words "I didn't know the army had boats -- Now im working on one" SGT Tara Overfield, Watercraft Engineer. [note: this is not a typing of my thouhgts at the time, after a bit of thought i have some comments on them coming later]. Im was like You didnt know the army had boats? LIKE REALLY that ad sure promotes the intelligence level of the army. I would want peopl protecting my country who didnt know the army had boats. but after some thought, i will take it a little easy on this guy. he probably thought of the army, air force, and navy. in which the navy would own all the boats. so then it wouldnt be that stupid to think that the army had no boats. but when i think of army, i think of all three together, the uninited states army has 3 divisions. i really dont know how it works but i thouhgt it was funny at first, and i did need to post something and i had some time to kill.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Thought processes
Welcome back, lets get into it,
4 Officers Slain. Im sure that anyone in canada who watches any news has probably heard at least a bit about it. and if you live in edmonton and havnt heard about it, well thats just sad. well anyway 4 mounties were guarding a QuonsetTM at a farm that they had a warrent for or something. but anyway, somehow the guy who owned the farm snuck into the QuonsetTM (yes while it was being guarded) and for some reason (i havnt really be following the story a lot) the 4 officers went into the QuonsetTM and were gunned down by the suspect (but i guess he is more than a suspect now isnt he). after the man came out of the QuonsetTM and exchanged gun fire with the cops outside, then went back in. later the cops stormed the QuonsetTM and found the 4 officers and the man dead. this all happened last thursday (yes im a little slow). also sympathies go out to all the people affected by this tragedy from the staff (thats me and prob jon) here at LNR.
he got away? Due to this tragedy, the great marketing gimmick, "96x $20,000 fugative" was cancelled. in addition, they are donating the $20,000 prize was given to the families of the victims. Its sorta nice that the fugative things are off the radio, but im sure they will be back soon, yay!
whizz and zoom Another great way of marketing/advertising? zoom media. who? they are the people who put ads in the bathroom. too much you thing? well i disagree, mostly. I enjoy them. they give you something to read while you are doing your business. but there are some rules that should be followed.
Ian's rules of bathroom advertising
1)Ads in front of urinals must be places a minimum of a foot past the back of the toilet. (this makes them easier to read without leaning back or looking around.
2)Ads should contain lots of reading material. (there are some that are just art or like a car and 4 words. when it comes to adds in the bathroom people are guarenteed to spend at least a short time in there, you can put more text than a usual add (on a highway for example). also often people will come back into the same bathroom day after day because it is convenient, so they can finish the reading when they come back. this leads us into rule 3)
3)Ads must be changed often (a month is too long, no one wants to stare at the same picture of a sunfire 6 inches in front of your face for a month)
a good example of a ad that followed rule 2, but not so much rule 1 was one i saw today. it was a government of canada one about joining the army reserve. It was good becuase had alot of reading, but one definite flaw was the location. it was off to the right. and one place you dont want to be looking while using the urinal is off to the side.
nerds protecting us? On the soldier on the ad mentioned above was a camouflage suit thing. this got me to thinking, everyone knows what the old fashioned camo looks like, it is often fashional and/or cool now. but the new camo is like pixelated camo. computer genorated camo. the colours like morph into each other in a bizzare binary way. it must be much more camo'd in the battlefield or something.
the final links Tom Hanks wore army fatigues in Saving Private Ryan, and Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon, thank you
Monday, March 07, 2005
He found it. I found it.
first, in case you havnt noticed, i have a cooler titlebar(?) weblog title thing. . : l a t e - n i g h t - r e a d i n g : . . what is cool about it? the fact that i have multiple spaces, a task not easy to accomplish. but all prob go to my brother for rounding up the code for that. thanks a 2.
now to what i accomplished. i was [wow interesting thing found out, too big to be put in brackets] watching some strongbad emails at homestarrunner.com. now i remembered that email 69 has a really cool intro but i can never remember which one it is called (its 'personal favourites' if your wondering), so i just go to an arbitrary email then change the number to 69 in the address bar (ex. http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail121.html to http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail69.html). so i did this, but i accidently deleted the 'l' as well, so the address was http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemai69.html. which isnt accually a page. so what happened? i got a special 404 code. i got 404'd!. check it out. so i was like, cool. im sure im not the first person to find this, but im guessing that not everyone has seen it, so if you havnt, check it out and pass it along. (have to put a link to 'system is down', it applies too well)
Now for the cool thing. I was going to use "I was perusing strongbad emails . . ." but i couldnt remember or figure out how to spell it. so i dictionary.com'd it. this is the definition i came across (for peruse). To read or examine, typically with great care. also a special note saying "Usage Note: Peruse has long meant “to read thoroughly” and is often used loosely when one could use the word read instead. Sometimes people use it to mean “to glance over, skim,” as in I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, but this usage is widely considered an error. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel finds it unacceptable." so my brother preffers merriam-webster so i checked it out. it gave 2 definitions. "
1 a : to examine or consider with attention and in detail
b : to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner"
so it is saying that you can peruse something by either, concentrating on it, or, not concentrating on it. thats a bad thing for the english language. example, what if murder was like that. the word murder could mean killing someone or not killing someone. that would cause a bit of confusion wouldnt it.
how i see it I beleive that incorrect use of the word peruse lead to the addition of a second definition that contradicted the original definition.
PS i think i should get a translator so that i can say what i say, and then the translator can translate what i say into accual english.
Friday, March 04, 2005
for the record
for the record i would like to say that im sure i made my pics for this weeks apprentice. im 90% sure i did it on monday. and i never checked it, darn so its not that i forgot, i just thought i already did. stupid yahoo!. and why is it that the fantasy apprentice page is so hard to find, if you just search "fantasy apprentice", yahoo doesnt find it in the first couple, you have to search "yahoo fantasy apprentice". whatever
Thursday, March 03, 2005
For those who care
I hope you all have noticed the LNR/Artichokes collaboration poll. mostly jeanine and I both love marshmallows on ice cream, and there is a certain special someone who doesnt so much. in fact hates marshmallows. so i took it upon myself to see what you the public had to say. the results so far. no 4, yes 5, yes and also on ice cream 6. so over 73% of the people like marshmallows. then it came up that certain people have been trying to "cheat" by voting more than once. I, for one, havnt done this yet. I set out to prove that the world loves marshmallows so i figured that i didnt need to "cheat" to do that. so now this is what i have. I have the old quiz with the 456 results and counting. so feel free to vote as much as you want(should only let you once a day) but knock yourselves out. but for those who care, there is another one which will only let you vote once so that we get "accurate" results. so if you like to put into your input into that one, please do. well that is all, if you all want to ignore the poll, thats fine, obviously the world needs marshmallows so i am happy.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Postin' time
Well here it is. i have an hour to spend posting/editing sidebar and motivation to do it. you can thank tv. simpsons and jepardy got me in the mood, and american idol made me turn off the tv.
is it me? [Ok no lie, i got this far and got invited to play some settlers, so now that it is 1230, i will continue this post.] so American idol came on tv. ryan is doing the pre-song promo thing and says "here on america's #1 show". that got me to thinking of a survivor add that said survivor was the number one show in canada. so now im thinking, survivor #1 in canada, american idol #1 in US, Why dont i like either of these shows? and by dont like mean really cant stand. yes i COULD sit and watch an entire episode, but if i was by myself or like accually watching it it would suck really bad. "reality" tv is getting out of hand. take amazing race. it takes what, like 3 weeks to do the race or something. then there are like 12 episodes so 12 weeks. yes it would take a long time to st everything up perfectly and get everything to run smoothly, but they can pump the shows out like mad. survivor, apprentise, race, all of them, they finish, weeks later they are starting up again. ya. well that is the condensed version of the post, if it wernt 1230 you would get a longer funner-to-read (yes i realise funner isnt a word) post, but enjoy what you get,