Monday, November 29, 2004
ostPay inway igpay atinlay
ellWay ingtryay otay igurefay outway owhay onglay away itycay ockblay isway orfay ool
schay (orfay oolschay) Iway umbledstay accrossway away oolcay itesay. Atway isthay itesay ouyay ancay onvertcay almostway anythingway otay almsotway anythingway. Exampleway: oodBlay alcoholway ontentcay; atwhay earsyay areway eaplay earsyay; orway evenway owhay anymay etabytespay areway inway away ilobytekay. Anyway ayway eckchay isthay itesay outway, itway isway oolcay. OnlineConversion.comway. Andway eforebay ouyay allway inkthay imway adsay andway avehay entirelyway onay ifelay, isthay itesay alsoway ashay away englishway otay igpay atinlay onvertercay (ichwhay Iway usedway otay omposecay isthay ostpay). Andway isthay akesmay 2ay ostspay atthay ereway otnay ittenwray inway Englishway, isthay isway away eryvay iverseday itesay.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
the twig that sorta could
Just a quick (i hope) update about a contest i was in a little while ago. It was the Civil engineering popsicle stick bridge design contest. I, along with some friends entered this contest and did not bad. we were about 8th overall for total weight. we held something like 283 N(ewtons). that is about 63 pounds. 30ish kg. The winning bridge held something like 2000 N (450 lbs). I was increadibly impressed. and these are bridgers 2 feet long, by 6 inches by 6inches. 100 popsicle sticks and white glue (bought at Michaels). So ya a pic of the bridge is above, if you want to see the real version, its in my living room. how it broke you ask? well compression buckling. And in our defence, we just learned about that in the past week, (the contest was like 2 or 3 weeks ago). did you know that if you add a support at half the height of the beam, you increase its buckling strength by 4 times. that is you can put 4 times more stress on it before it will buckle. that woulda been nice.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
What my day could have been like
This is a story about how my day would have been cool if these things had happened. They might have, or might not have, I am not saying either way. So I just had this day and hypathetically if these things happened, it would have been cool and the day would have been memorable and worth posting. And to make it 100% easier to write I will refer to these events as though they happened even thought they may or may not have.
So my day started out (technically by playing Warcraft but we will count this day as when i woke up) So it started around im not even sure, like 6 or 7, when i heard a clunk, like something had fallen off my shelf. I truned on my light to figure out what it was, and after like 5 seconds of looking i didnt find anything. weird, i was sure i was looking really hard. so i went right back to sleep. then around 830 or so there was another terrible noice. only this time it was the phone. stupid phone on Saturday mornings. It was for my roomate and he wasnt here (i determined this after i went and knocked on this door, heard on answer, then on the way back to my room saw his shoes were gone). After this phone call i was like man im tired, why did he call me so early. then even more depressing was that i realized my alarm was sceduled (ah lets say set, easier to spell) to go off. so i slept for 30 mins, then the radio alarm went off, snoozed for 30 mins, beeper alarm went off, snoozed for 30. finally decided to get up cuz i had to be somewhere at 11, (10 at the time). so i hopped in the shower for like 20mins or so (it took me a while to wash my hair) then i had to do my hair, and eat, and check my eamil to see where i was going. and listen to my music. So i left at about 11, and was only about 15 mins late, but it was ok cuz another person was later than that. so we went shopping for this thing we thought was 8 feet, but turned out to be 9 feet long. this was ok except that we were travelling in a car. so we ended up putting it in the trunk, folding down the back seat, and running the object up to the front of the car. Me i was originally sitting in the now folded down back seat so i ended up lieing in the back of the car half in the trunk. CTTMHH1(cool thing that may have happened). At one point i accually pretty much put myself entirely in the trunk. If you ever were to ride in one, you wouldnt have to worry about being entirly in the dark all the time. The brake light on the top of the trunk lights up the trunk quite nicely. also the driver (who may or may not exist) will think of me every time they(i realize this is not proper english. there is no single genderless way to express someone. ex-'he' or 'she'. 'they' is accually a plural and thus should not be used as a single pronoun. stupid english) stop quickly and the window washer bangs against the front of the trunk wall (i.e. the back seat) or just falls over and clunks will think of me (sorta sure that is close to a complete and logical sentance). later, we were driving somewhere to get something and we were going to a chain store in which i had a friend that worked at one location in Edmonton but i didnt know which store. so when we got to the store and were checking out, there it (see 'it' is maybe more proper than 'they' but it really sounds bad. stupid english) was CTTMHH2. the cashier places were set up so that 2 cashiers were in the same alcove with a counter on both sides, so the cashiers had there backs to each other. well this friend of mine was the cashier right beside us facing the other way. as we were leaving I said hi and we talked for a sec. So we were back at the place doing stuff with people we were faced with a problem that if we left the area we were in to go to the other area we needed to visit we would not be able to get back to the original area due to locked doors. So our solotion to this problem, taping the doors so they wouldnt latch CTTMHH3. Just like in the movies or books, it was pretty cool. we got to do it twice too. WEll that is about all the cool things i might or might not have done. it would be nice to bring this post to a nice close, but i really dont want to so, ya. O ya and at one point we may have followed ,at a distance, a police dude's car, into a do not enter zone.
Thursday, November 25, 2004

"They say speed kills" -Horacio on CSI Miami on speed dating. wonder how long it took the writers to come up with that
New thing?
WOW. well anyway to start at the beginning. I figure that i should try to do something that is unique to the web log. but not really. Mostly im just giving my log a purpose. If you notice i usually say something about SNL on Sunday. that is kinda my thing. but then i think, why not post about like say the apprentise or something. So now i will talk about the episode of the apprentise that i have been watching and still am watching. I would like to start out saying that i think the apprentise would be more entertaining and less "reality" show-esk if they showed more of the project, and less of the boardroom which is the whole "reality" part of it. but the boardroom thing is cool too. Maybe a hour and 30 min show. hmmm. Now I am going to try to go through the show conologically and remember all the things i wanted to comment on. they are given the project: design a bottle and marketing campain for the new pepsi edge. After trump gave the teams there projects, the 2 teams got into there vans and headed over to pepsico. It shows a camera shot of both girls on Mosaic brushing there hair. i found this humerous. Ok so now they show up at pepsico and start designing there bottle and marketing campain.
MOSAIC: Starts out with stacy saying how diet pepsi is good because it is low in calaries, pepsi is good because it tastes better. So they develop this joining the 2 worlds campaign. they bottle is sorta like the pepsi bottles now but on the top and bottom are large hemisphers, with a label with map of the world on it. which is better than an idea for a design of a bottle that was a sphere, bad bad idea. And they had an under the cap contest in which you collect countries and after you have the entire continent you win a trip there. -Andy's funny line "And Antartica is an instant winner!. All the time they are brainstrming and stuff they do a thing about how much pepsi Andy is drinking. can you blame him, I would be drenching myself. And also when the pepsi designers were designing the bottle or whatever andy (the PM (project manager)) thought they were working a little slow so he gave them $100 "bonuses" hoping to get them to work faster. then at like 21:00 when they ordered pizza, he put it in the hallway because he wanted to make the deadline before they all ate. He even made a light hearted comment along the lines of we can hold off on the eating, after all some of us are $100 dollars richer. right about then im thinking AXE.
Apex: They had an entirely different approach to the brainstorming. while mosaic seemed to be writing a bunch of stuff on the whiteboard and working with that, they jump over to apex and they are sitting around talking and instantly you are like, they are not working very hard. But they were getting some good ideas. Some ideas, not so good, like the first televised one, Ivana's idea of an oscar shaped bottle. yes a pepsi bottle shaped like an academy award. Lucky Kelly (PM) didnt let it fly. After that they came up with there final idea. A bottle in the shape of the vertical word EDGE, with a hole through the D. a cool idea. then they were talking about how what they could do with the hole, like put movie tickets in it or something. -Ivana's disterbing comment (when discussing what to put in the hole for promotional purposes) "pieces of boobs" (no lie). so after the ackward silence (maybe added by the camera effects) they got back to designing. After they deside on the bottle and the dude puts it on the computer, they go and see the machine that makes it (the form i beleive). It is like a block of yellow stuff that is being slowly ground down by a metal thing. the whole process of making a bottle apparently takes like 13 hours (that is for the first one, the ones after that are probably less cuz they have a form). So apex is done so they take off saying, "we are done so quick it seems like we are forgetting something."
APEX: so apex is up first, they open the sliding door expecting a little conference room that they usually end up in, but no, a large room with like 100 people in it. they are all looking shocked and it is great. Ivanna makes a comment like 'it was like walking in the colosium as a gladiator'. So they walk to the front and the main dude is like "if your ready we will close the blinds and get started. now the camera affects take over. The ominous music plays and the blinds at the back of the room slowly start to lower. then they get to bottom and what im sure was like a 1 or 2 sec quite pause is carried on for like 6 or 7 by using different camera shots, then the presentation starts. they outline their bottle and how the hole can be used as a promotional thing.
Mosaic: they walk in with the same suprised look on there face and they are carrying all their posters and stuff. So they start their presentation without any camera dramatizing. andy starts out talking about how edge is joining the diet and regulare (those are his words) worlds, yada yada. I really dont like his speaking voice. It is like a yelling or something. i just dont like how it comes accross, its like he is trying to hard or something. Then stacy starts talking about the contest and she is totally blowing it. She cant get the write words and studdering if you will. i think someone was a little nervous. i cant accually remember what jen had to say but their presentation ends and they leave the room. then the head pepsi marketing guy gets up in from of the room of marketing people and askes for opinions. this is where it turns into a mosaic bashing match. first (televised) comment, "I dont remember geography being cool". other beefs [beeves?], the fact you cant see inside the mosaic bottle, its is entirly covered in label. So in the end he pick apex, no huge suprise. but i do find it funny when he is talking to DT and saying the good things about the 2 teams. It must be hard make them sound almost equal when you alread know who wins and they arent very close.
Reward:So apex wins there reward -DT 'Because of the speed in which you finished your task, your reward should have something to do with speed'. They hop into trumps helicoptor and take off. where are they going? a racetrack (and no not a horse track as i originally thouhgt) but a car (or i guess truck) race track. and what are they doing there you ask? well they are driving around the track in lamborghini gallardo[e]s. LAMBOR-FREAKIN-GINI[E]S. So cool. now do you understand the WOW at the beginning of the post?
Boardroom: So anyway back to the boardroom. they all go in there and (o ya i skiped all the "stratigizing" and scheming parts) start talking. Trump asks andy questions like, who is the smartest, who is the most creative and stuff. Andy, "jen is". so it is basically a stacy bashing party. they leave whats his name and whats her name together say a bad thing about each person so it all seems equal. meanwhile the three of them are all pacing around outside the boardroom. back in they come and trump askes Jen why she always seems to be skimming the bottom and how the project managers always defend her. (DT is suspicious of Jen) she says something and andy pipes up that he is defendign her and then stacy takes off and is like quietly yelling and jen is trying to keep up and everyone else is basically sitting there, andy occationally trys to get a word in. then it sorta breaks up and Trump makes a comment about how as a high school debate team member andy is getting owned (pwned for all you "nerds" out there). They they talk a bit more about whatever. -Trumps oppinion on losing "Losing is a bitch". then again the agruement starts up again with stacy dominating, jen trying to hold her ground and andy not really getting anything but the first couple words of a sentence in. DT stops the arguement, says andy you are getting beat by stacy "you're fired". girls leave, and just as the elevetor doors are closing, they start talking about andy and the crappy things he did, it sounded like it was getting heated, poor elevator man, stand in a box all day then hear to girls arguing and/or b.., ah complaining. so andy thanks trump for the oppertunity then leaves. DT turns to his people and says that he was prob gonna fire stacy but the way she was going crazy defending herself changed his mind. -trump's closing line "I've always said women are stronger, this proves it".
Ian's Opinion as soon i saw the "bonuses" for the designers i thought there was a good chance that would hurt andy. also mosaic seemed to have a more thought out and better planned proposel. after the presentations i did agree, pepsi using geography to sell a product, not really that hot. you need crazy people and wild things (and apparently screaming on commercials). So i totally agree that apex shoulda won. and the reward, the sweetest one yet. who should be fired. like i said my first thought was andy, then in the presentation stacy's preformance was terrible so i thought she might be slightly in trouble. once in the board room, you could really tell that andy wanted stacy fired, it seemed like he was ganging up on her. so naturally im like, dont fire her she is being framed. jen, Ivana and the rest of apex dont really seem to like her (i forgot to mention this but jen was sent to mosaic by apex because of the difference in numbers and apex was glad to be rid of her and Jen was glad to be away from them so it was a win win (and double win for apex because they won) and i see that she was a little slow on seeing the wheel thing last week, but then i wasnt exactly sure what was going on til i say one. so over all im not sure shes that bad so i thinking that she was propably safe, especially since andy was pointing fingers at stacy. andy. the "bonuses" thing seemed odd and bad, and how we was basically saying 'fire stacy' i figured there was a good chance we was gone. and it turned out that it was him. well that basically wraps up the commentary on the apprentise for this week. I will post for you all later,
"reality" telovision
yes i do realize i spelt televison wrong. Its just funner to say as tel-o-vison. So this is a little post in order to keep my average posts per week up, and to dis most "reality" tv. I watched the seinfeld thingy on tv nonight, and jerry had a good line in it, something like this, "What is the deal with reality tv. Its not reality. when was the last time you saw someone hanging from a rubber band eating bull anul?" and also. how many thousands of people send in applications to be on whatever "reality" show? Why is it that almost without exception on any show, there is almost always 2 people with the same name. apprentise, stacy and staci, amazing race, jon and jonathon and i think even a 3rd john (avi and i think john). avi was cool, why did he have to lose. well that is about the extent of my "reality" tv expertise. but also on survivor you notice that everyone spells the name wrong and different from each other. "andrew" "andru" "anndrew" "andy". its humerous. well back to the apprentise, how cool is it that Raj asked out the secretary when he was fired. well im accually done now,
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004

bad pic of bleached, im in the background, adidas shirt, right above the pink. more pics (one with most of me) at ESS website
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Day of Firsts
This was gonna be a long post, but since im feeling a little "under the weather" due to my lack of voice and im still really tired from last weekend, it may or may not be. but anyway my day. Quite interesting and fun. It started (at midnight) with me watching the first half hour of The Blair Witch Project (1999) and it was very funny. let me explain. the night before i went to a friends house and watched all 6 thumb movies (links on Steve Oedekerk's page. anyway the movies were all good and one of them spoofed TBWP which i had not seen. So when i came home and watched the first half hour of it the spoof made sence and it was funny. (yes this is prob turning into a long post). so after 30 mins of TBWP, SNL came one. it was a good one. musical host, U2. host Luke Wilson. the monolog was ok but not great, and weekedn update was a pretty weak one, but pretty much all of the sketches were good. "Last night i ordered a midget to ride in on a pot bellied pig, THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the company credit card" "Ashley simpson on SNL" "pull it, no ,pull it, no, pull it, no". So after that i went to sleep, ahhh sleep. then i woke up an hour early for church so i could go for christmas consert practise FT1(first thing one). after church came home to eat. roomate had a bunch of people over and they had made tacos so i had 2. one with dill pickles cut up into small cubes and both with sour cream and dill somthing mixed together FT2 then i head out trying to catch the number 8 to millwoods which is easier and quicker said than done, but i got there and just caught it with minimul running almostFT3. SO why was i going to Millwoods? well i was going to his guess house to help raise money for Cancer research. and jsut how might we be raising this money good question. quite easily really. We started by bleaching our (like 10 of us) hair to a "nice" blond FT3 followed by a very sexy shade of pink FT4. Yes pink. I do have pink hair right now. (and will post pics as soon as i get them). So the deal is that a bunch of geers (and a science student) collect money to dye and/or shave their heads. and the money goes to cancer research. link. While doing this, we were all eating nachos,but not any nacho, nachos with bacon on them FT5mmmmmmm, then after that someone brought out some Krispy Kreme donuts (and i had one) FT6. ya thats about all, then i came home and watched simpsons. "duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck" good stuff. well im taking my pink head off to bed.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
you wouldnt pick your nose with it, dont pick our ice with it
I would just like to say that im not dising people who choose to participate in the following activity, its just that surtain parts of activity drives me crazy. Ok so thanks to a friend, 2 different friends and I (yes i have 3 friends) went to the Battle of the Badges hockey game. it was pretty good, except they wouldnt let us into the nosebleed section. SO during the hockey game progresses the frist intermission comes along (duh) and on "skate" a bunch of middle to high single digit aged kids come out to play hockey. It was quite enteraining. It was like watching hockey being played underwater (speed wise) (funny story, there is accually underwater hockey (i learned that at university). after the kids were done, the ice was cleaned and i commented to my friends would nice and shiney it looked. So anyway period 2 comes and goes and bam, second intermission, so for this entertainment, little kids? zamboni bumber cars or demotion derby? dodgeball on ice? no, no, and saddly no. out come 3 skaters. but what is different about them, no pads, thats ok, no hockey jersey, odd but still accepable, but no hockey stick? what else do you do on ice? yes, you guessed it, 3 male figure skaters. they were all in the top 6ish in canada in their age groups. they were accually pretty good, im not gonna lie, but one thing really bothered me though, the ice chipping. for example, standing on your toe pick and jumping from one foot to the other. yes that does chip chunks of ice out of the ice. everytime they did it im like ,ohhh, ahhhh (<-pained noices) and this is after the ice has been "zambonied". And as a hockey played i know that these holes in the ice can be very annoying and irritating. so that pretty much concludes my story/rant. but i will ask for info on one thing, im sure big IV could help me (if he comes to my site, maybe doug or any other hockey fans). hanging from the roof of Rexall Place are retired numbers (seen below), 31 fuhr, 17 kurri, 99 (like i need to say), but beside Gretzky, number 3, Hamilton. who? well thanks to the wonders of the internet i found out a bit about him here. But i still really know anything about him, so if any of you hockey learned people could let me if he was good/bad/amazing/whatever, that would be great (he retired 5 years before i was born). anyway invite your friends,
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Inspired by Justin
After all the hype leading up to Justin's release of the top ten list of good songs, and the recent post of that such list, and do to the fact I have accually been listening to the radio a bit, i have decide to do a music post. where to start. How about with eminem. So eminem release the song mosh a while ago and it is hardly ever on the radio (true it was mostly a "go vote" song but still). and yesterday on X-rated on 96x eminem's new song mosh was kept, you naturally you would assume they would play it. so far i havnt heard it but i have heard just lose it at least 3 times since then. and another song i dont get, Nelly's Over And Over ft. Tim McGraw. Nelly ---Tim McGraw? Rap---Country? whaaa? well at least nelly didnt collaborate with N Sync, oh wait. now i think i will leave you with my list of however many songs i think of that are reasonably new and i like.
(In no real order)
The Killers - Somebody Told Me (not exactly sure what this song means but it is soo catchy, i think it is my fav)
Vanessa Carlton - White House(s) (I feel weird liking this song but the music is catchy and cool)
Trick Daddy fe. Twista and lil' John/monster- Let's Go
Nitty - Nasty Girl
Jay-Z/Linkin Park - Numb Encore
I might be missing some but cant think of any right now. so there is my top five i guess. and honorable mentions(in top 7ish) to
Dead Celebrity Status - We Fall, We Fall and
Kyprios - Never Say Goodbye and the older but awsome Ignorance is Beautiful
thats all for now keep it cool,
Saturday, November 13, 2004
My first time, and other stuff
Well I have now crossed over a threshold. From talker to doer. Dreamer to remeberer. faintly nerdy to nerdy. yes folks, i have now played Halo 2. not only that, but 8 person, 2 x-box/tv Halo 2. yes it was pretty cool. The first couple games i was on the really crappy tv and the hole mastering the scensitivity of the thumbstick and trying to figure out who are people and who are rocks or crates. but i got about 5 or so kills my first couple games, good for 5th to 7th. not too bad I thought. then i moved up to the nice clean tv (and an S type controller that im pretty sure that had nothing to do with it). Then the real Ian started coming out. i beleive it was the first game or second (or third), i was right up at the top with 2 other guys. I was doin pretty good. i didnt win but i think i had 22 or 23 kills at the end, and about half of them were but "stucking" people. yes throwing a plasma gernade and having it stick to the opponent causeing them to die (well accually the colaboration of pixels in the shape of a (wo)man that the person is controlling by buttons on a controller died). and yes, i also was straffing and preparing to throw a gernade onto someone, but a wall appeared jsut as i through (threw ??) the gernade to the gernade bounced off the wall and stuck to my x-box person. yep i stuck a gernade to myself, i felt kinda stupid. but ya we played some more rounds then i made a quick trip to get a pop i beleive and they started a jugernaut game. in this one person is the jugernaut and gets an oversheid and stuff and everyone else gangs up on him. So i came to the game and im not sure if i was the jugernaut to start with or weither i killed someone right away and became him but anyway i was the jugernaut. (by the way there were only 4 of us now, all pretty good). So anyway i pretty much walked around with a shotgun and blasted them all to death, they almost killed me several times but i always prevailed. yes and i was on a killig spree (previously in halo 1 i would usually get those and get sniped or blown up right when it started) then i think for the first time, a running riot, then for sure the first time, a RAMPAGE. i was owning (yes i was the jugernaut so i had some advantages but still) so the end of the game, Ian 20, 2 other guys 0, other guy -1. I freaking owned that game, it made me feel good. But i played some more and it was pretty good.
GOOD THINGS ABOUT HALO 2 First, you can tell it is a sequal, for anyone who played the original, switching to teh new one is very easy to do. there are some changes and/or improvements but the basic gameplay is the same. Another good thing, dual weapons, now you can hold 2 weapons at once and fire them seperatly or together. like 2 needlers, or and SMG and a plasma rifle. or really any compinations. another good thing is that the person vs veicle battle is alot more fair. people can kick you out of the ghost (i like the new ghost) or bash in the roof of your tank and shot your or gernade you. there are many other good things i just cant think of them right now.
NOT AS GOOD THINGS ABOUT HALO 2 first of all, and im sure your agree with me doug, is the weakness of the pistol or "magnum". I remember the good old days of shooting wraith 3 times with the pistol and killing him when he was running around shotgunning or sniping people. and i also never did have dual pistols, they were rare enough i could only find one. another not as good thing, but it is kinda nice so ill call it a change, the ghost will not run over people unless you use the speedburst button (second trigger). this is a bit of a pain but also nice if your not the one in the ghost. number 3, oddball. oddball (hold the skull) is now first to win 3 30 sec matches, 30 sec? it can take that long just to get to the person once let along twice if need be. but there might have been an option to change this somewhere, im not sure. four, the default and inverted caracter choices. In the orginal they had both and inverted (y-axis, up on thumbstick looks down) and a default (up is up, like it should be), in 2, only default which is bad for all those inverted people (or uninverted people im not sure which way it is i think uninverted). and in 1, who didnt like being noodle, or lumpy or , why cant i remember the stupid names? maybe cuz its almost 4, bone?. in 2, you choose default, your name in the game is default, lame.
So overall the halo 2 experience was a good one (well until all the drunk people had a spontaneous "banana fight"). I of course was just wondering around the maps looking for people cuz i didnt know the maps at all but the maps were good. ya so i will stop rambling and wrap up, If you liked halo 1 or just first person shooters or i guess just loosing, i recomend halo 2. It was definitly not disapointing.
PS they even have a map called zanzabar, you get to kill the zanzabarbarians
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
What to talk about
I am faced with such a delema, what topic should i talk about? So much to say, so little, ah, motivation. Lets see there is rememberence day, animated movies, my underware, but i think i will go with drivers and roads in edmonton. so today i was sure i was gonna see an accident. there was a funny intersection and cars travelling down a one way street. for whatever reason, the car stoped at the intersection even though there was no sign, (maybe for a car or something). then the car behind it comes rippin up and im like, there is no way that car in gonna stop and I will admit that i flinched when the gap between the two cars disappeared, only this is a 3 dimentional world (OK technically there are like 11 dimensions or something like that but we can only see 3) and the second (moving) car was accually closer to me than the stopped car. So rather than a collision, the cars ended up side by side. it was sorta crazy. anyway i just walked in front of them and continued on my merry way.
then i came to the intersection that i really hate. ok there is an east/west road (Sask Drive) its a 2 way street and a one lane northbound road (Gateway blv i believe) interesects it so it forms a T. no to get to and from school i have to walk accross GB. there are lights at this intersection, and a walk symbol. now when the SD lights are green, the walk light can be on, and the only cars crossing the crosswalk are the 3 lanes that can turn right on a red light. But the stupidest thing, is that the walk light will only come on if the button is pushed sometime before the GB lights turn yellow. so if you are a little away from the light when SD turns green, no walk light, therefore, jaywalking or no walking. i think that this light should always have the walk light cuz no cars on the green light can cross the cross walk, only cars on the red light. i think its stupid.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Ian's trip in the big city
So this is abit of a long story, but it starts (accually it starts when i slept in then got up showered and stayed in my housecoat for a while then got dressed and ate something) when i do one of the stupidest/annoyingists sounding things to do: I took public transit to West Edmonton Mall (that has christmas decorations up so i guess it officially christmas season) to go to Old Navy on Saturday afternoon to shop for jeans. Now tell me, does that found like fun? Well it all started out by me missing the first bus by 2 blocks (gotta love public transit). So the i decided, to go to the wee book inn to kill 15 mins. anyway while i was there i picked up on of the pretty new Clive Cussler book White Death, and a old John Grisham that i have never read or really even remember seeing anywhere, The Chamber. After the wee book inn i walked a block or so to the bus stop and wait several minutes then hoped on the 4. When i got to WEM i first went to Coles and found a cheap book Robert Ludlum's The Paris Option (which i came back and bought). So i wondered around the mall for a while looked at some stuff, then i was walin by HMV and saw something interesting. There was a 96X thing going one, it was Chip and Kim, the winners of The Amazing Race 5. ya so i saw them in person. then i stoped at Orange Julius and tried something new (i usually only get the strawberry banana smoothy), a triple berry smoothy. It was good. After that i believe i bought a bunch of pairs of jeans the i had time to kill to i wondered into International Stereo to look at their massive TVs. You would think that since they have movies playing on those big tvs, it would be free to watch. well it is but it isnt. during the maybe 15 mins i was in there, on guy tryed to sell me 8000 dollars worth of tv and speakers for like 4000, or only 100 a month (prob for like 67 years). i declined. then some other guy was trying to sell me stuff. Also declined. so i finally left and went to a place that i heard was excelent and it was very much so. OPA! that is one good fastish food place. Eating there pita bread is like eating a cloud. My only slight beef, in the process of loading up the plate, they really mix up the food, and im sorry but rice and ceasar salad shouldnt mix. but all the food was great. i had a #2 with pork (slovlaki platter with ceasar salad). mmmmm. so after OPA! i went to the and bought a ticket for Collatoral. then i went to the concession stand and picked up some sour skittles. $3.64. my movie only cost $3.50. I spent more on skittles than a movie, or a ride to WEM and back home. that makes sence, only not. So i get in the theater and there is about 20 people in there total by the time the movie starts (which was 5 mins after posted time). then there are i think 3 or 4 commercials, and NO PREVIEWS! i like previews and find commercials really annoying. I enjoy watching previews of movies ive seen and not liked. Then the movie started and it was pretty good
2 confusing parts in the movie, 1) from what i remember the first time Tom Cruise's name of Vincent from waht i observed first was spoken when max introduced Vince to his mom. but later in the movie the cops are like Vincent is the bad killer i dont remember vincent accually saying his name is vincent. 2) at the end when vincent is dead, they walk away and you ge the feeling that they are gonna live happily ever after, but arnt the cops after max for murdering 3 or 4 people and attacking the cop after he crashed? so wouldnt he be arrested and stuff? anyway this is just filler so that people wanting to avoid the spoiler can do so much easier. think this is enough filler yet?
Every time i see Tom Cruise in a movie, there is just something about him that makes me think a bunch of gun weilding people are gonna jump out and attack him. another interesting thing about the movie is that it must have been hard to make sure that TC had the same amount of stubble throughout the movie. Ya after the movie i caught the bus home and now im watchin Back to the Future and then the SNL after the US election, this could be good, im not even sure who is on. But back to the bus, there was this one guy that i thouhgt was maybe on the bus i took to WEM, but im really not sure, if it was it was kinda creepy. but anyway ive wasted enough of your time, but new Simpsons on Sunday at 9, and Halo 2 on tuesday. enjoy,
Monday, November 01, 2004
Candy can save your life
I realize this is going to be a terrible post but it is slightly interesting so i have to say something about it. On halloween 2 kids were hit by a car on a marked crosswalk. and that is not a good thing. but one interesting amazing fact. When one girl was thrown by the car and hit the ground, she wasnt hurt as much as she could have been. Turns out that she landed on her bag of candy and it cushioned her fall. interesting eh? also on the candy topic. i belive the i have a new faith in skittles. I am a big skittles fan but my favorite skittle, green apple (green apple is good). But it was only a limited time thing, or was it? In some of my candy i recieved from a great person, there were little packs of skittles littles. after eating a green skittle little, im like, that tastes like green apple. Im not exactly sure but i believe that skittle littles have green apple skittles, mmmmmmmm. well enjoy the half price candy, i love Nov 1,
I have to post something about it
So the US election is upon us. A great debate probably all over the world. I heard on the news that because it could be close, lawyers on both sides are ready to sue or press charges or whatever they do based on voter influence and whatever else. Just thinkg how ugly it could get. I also think that it is pretty bad if the courts have to decide the president. Many people have said that of all the people in the US, why are GWB and JK the only 2 people running for president. Here is my idea. American President. 16 candidates are chosen and for 13 weeks debate or whatever on TV and then Americans vote for them and one by one they are eliminated until 4 remain then they have a big finally in which the ones eliminated come back and dis one or 2 of the people, then Joe Rogan somes on and tells bad jokes and encourages them, then Donald Trump comes out and one by one points out everything they did wrong and interupts them and stuff. all the while Mark Burnett gives a bad commentary only pointing out the obvious "and Joe Smith is starting his speach, Mike is still walking up to his, etc. ", and of course who can forget the young heartthrob host, like ryan seacrest or Ty from EMHE, my sudjestion, Orlando Bloom (all he needs is spiked hair). Anyway if that was how the election happened, I for one would not watch it, maybe the 16 contestant thing but all the other stuff is too much "reality" for me. anyway. Kerry has the sports world backing him (red sox and redskins). My prediction for the elecion? Bush in 6 games (come on, i just had to add in a hockey reference, its werid i jsut forget about hockey, its not good) anyway my pick is bush (ive got a 50/50) we'll see,
She's a witch!
awww, witch hunts. Nothing like killing people for having a black cat or making homemade remedies. Well a township in Scotland pardoned (on halloween) 81 people they killed around 1700 for "being" "witches". link. I found it kind of interesting and thought I would share. And now for the one thing i cannot forget, when talking about witches, particularly killing "witches", particularly killing "witches" with lousy evidence. that is right scene 5, scene 5 from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) (or at least part of it).
CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch! We've got a witch! A witch!
VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch, might we burn her?
CROWD: Burn her! Burn!
BEDEMIR: How do you know she is a witch?
VILLAGER #2: She looks like one.
BEDEMIR: Bring her forward.
WITCH: I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch.
BEDEMIR: But you are dressed as one.
WITCH: They dressed me up like this.
CROWD: No, we didn't... no.
WITCH: And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
VILLAGER #1: Well, we did do the nose.
BEDEMIR: The nose?
VILLAGER #1: And the hat -- but she is a witch!
CROWD: Burn her! Witch! Witch! Burn her!
BEDEMIR: Did you dress her up like this?
CROWD: No, no... no ... yes. Yes, yes, a bit, a bit.
VILLAGER #1: She has got a wart.
BEDEMIR: What makes you think she is a witch?
VILLAGER #3: Well, she turned me into a newt.
BEDEMIR: A newt?
VILLAGER #3: I got better.
VILLAGER #2: Burn her anyway!
CROWD: Burn! Burn her!
BEDEMIR: Quiet, quiet. Quiet! There are ways of telling whether
she is a witch.
CROWD: Are there? What are they?
BEDEMIR: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
VILLAGER #2: Burn!
CROWD: Burn, burn them up!
BEDEMIR: And what do you burn apart from witches?
VILLAGER #1: More witches!
VILLAGER #2: Wood!
BEDEMIR: So, why do witches burn? [pause]
VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of wood...?
CROWD: Oh yeah, yeah...
BEDEMIR: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.
BEDEMIR: Aah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?
VILLAGER #2: Oh, yeah.
BEDEMIR: Does wood sink in water?
VILLAGER #1: No, no.
VILLAGER #2: It floats! It floats!
VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!
CROWD: The pond!
BEDEMIR: What also floats in water?
VILLAGER #1: Bread!
VILLAGER #2: Apples!
VILLAGER #3: Very small rocks!
VILLAGER #1: Cider!
VILLAGER #2: Uh, gra-- gravy!
VILLAGER #1: Cherries!
VILLAGER #3: Churches -- churches!
VILLAGER #2: Lead -- lead!
ARTHUR: A duck.
CROWD: Oooh.
BEDEMIR: Exactly! So, logically...,
VILLAGER #1: If... she.. weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood.
BEDEMIR: And therefore--?
VILLAGER #1: A witch!
CROWD: A witch!
BEDEMIR: We shall use my larger scales! [yelling]
BEDEMIR: Right, remove the supports! [whop] [creak]
CROWD: A witch! A witch!
WITCH: It's a fair cop.
CROWD: Burn her! Burn! [yelling]
ha ha, good stuff