I have seen an "elderly pedestrian" sign in real life, but my friend the internet let me down. the sign had a lady with a walker and a guy with a cane, it was funny.
well last night i thought of a great idea for a post. it was going to be a fun one, but i forgot what it was. So i will tell a stoy that i was going to include with that post. So the other day we were driving along 109th and it was sorta rushy [rabbit trail: recently i heard someone say , why is it rush hour if no traffic is moving?]. so there we were in the right lane and it is moving slowly, we are like 'interesting'. So the car infront of us pulls into the left lane and there we see the problem, a person walking in the lane with a walker. now she was not walking in the middle of the lane, it was on the side, but still, she was holding up traffic. the sidewalks were a little snowy but pretty clear so im not really sure what she was thinking. but i guess she was making good time for someone with a walker. ya so for all you people walking out there, please walk on the sidewalk if you can, otherwise its annoying and people get mad at you,
I think im going to take up writing movies. Last night as i was falling or partially fell asleep, i had an idea for a movie. Ok, now remember this was thought of at like 130 amish while I was falling asleep, but i think it could be good. Ok, the major thing about about this movie, is that it is set well into the future. During this time, it is almost like medival times, there are the common people, with the almost useless high school education, and the higher up people with good jobs and all the intelligence. So our story is prob about 3 people. I think it would be better to keep smaller name people, or else i would have every actor i even sort of like in this movie. Ok 2 of the 3 characters, Janeane Garofalo and Diedrich Bader. you are propably thinking who? but JG was in Mystery Men and she was great, and she was also the Medival Times waitress in Cable Guy. DB, he was in The Drew Carey Show and in the new Center of the Universe with John Goodman. But i like both the actors and i think they would be cool in a movie. but i havnt really thouhgt much about the third person. One on my mind is Seth Meyers. But anyway back to the plot. So these two or three are commoners and live a "simple life". But they seek to become higher class. It is there goal. But due to the times, the only way to get higher class is to be given the honor. this can be done by winning a contest, or by doing something of merit, ect. so how do they become higher class? Brain Transplant. Once you impress the brain-granting council (or win a contest or raffle or something), then you are granted the brain and the right to become smarter and higher class. The ending im also not so sure about. I could throw in someone dieing so the other person could get the brain, or someone giving the brain to someone they are in love with. or, one or two of them could get the brains and leave the 3rd person would be left behind, a sad moment. Or another possibility, one or all of them could be granted the brain, and they turn them down because during the movie they realize they like the simple life (no reference to Paris Hilton) and so decide stay with what they have. ya, i might make it one of those movies that ive kinda wanted to make. you know how some movies now have alternate endings? well with the DVD technology now, why not make a movie that has many endings, and it randomly plays them each time you watch the movie. so you accually dont know how it is doing to end. i think it would be cool. I also havnt thoguht about the brain conncil, or weither or not there will be "evil villians" or other simple "rivals". (someone Seth Greenish). but i definitly think Rowan Atkinson will make a cameo, and maybe Colin Mochrie will have a role in it, he is cool. well thats about ill i have on that movie right now, but
Im sure you all dont care, but i need to get it out there and let everyone know. I have a problem with solitaire. I seem to be playing it alot recently. Its bad. and to make it funner i use the vegas scoring system so it is more challengin to win and your score accumulates (or decumulates) but mostly i play it at night, or when im waiting for something. It is good because its not like a big game (WarcraftM, Rebellion, etc.) that takes time to load and save and exit. It is just a good thing. The weird thing is that ive never really been a solitaire person. Sure i would play occationally it but i like Free Cell better (currently 18-9 with best streaks of win: 8 lose: 3). It is more challenging and a thinker but you kind of have to be in the mood. and if you leave it you automatically lose. and minsweeper, once you beat the first level in like 10 seconds there is little point trying any more. and intermediate is long and hard and annoying. and i dont think ive ever beat expert. maybe some day. but you really want to how sad my life is? Often when i close my eyes, I SEE SOLITAIRE. i know i think i need help. It not accually clear, but i can kind of see colours and i sorta think they range form about 4 to 9 usually. sometimes less. and they are mostly on the right side of the 'screen'. wow. i really need help. i think tonight is going to be a free cell night, unless i start talking to people on mess.
Well i had a near frightening moment today. SO i was carrying my computer into the living room to print my assignment out so i could work on it, and while carrying it im like man its dusty. so istart blowing where the fans are and some dust comes out so im thinking im doinging good. then i bow on a slot on the side, and then i notice that one of my fans stopped. i look closer and there is a huge ball of dust now stuck in the fan stopping it from moving, not good. [note: my laptop gets hot enough right now will all the fans working so losing one is not good, and i just thought of another funny laptop story] so i turn off my computer (so if i dislodge the dust, the fan wont start with whatever i was using to dislodge still in the fan) and grab a pin. the pin is working ok to get the dust out but its not working really well or fast, so I grab a little screw driver. this sorta works, but then the dust starts running away [note: by runing i mean i was kinda pushing it away rather than pulling it out of the computer]. so after not too long, i can no longer see the dust ball thing so i think to myself self, if you can see the fan, and you cant see the dust ball, then it would make sence that the dust ball is no longer in the way of the fan (we do learn something in engineering). so i fire up the computer, nothing. crap. so i talk to my computer expert aka best friend on messanger and ask him what i should do. his suggestion (i always start that word (suggestion) sudje- and then i cant figure out what comes after that, then i (sometimes) remember the 'correct' of spelling it), a can of air. now, i may have been born in the night, but i wasnt born last night. im not falling for buying a "can of air". i say that and turns out that the air is compressed (you get tons of bonus air, but you use it up faster), but before you all laugh at my stupidity, i did accually know that. but i thouhgt it was funny cuz my computer 'nery' friend suggested (got it quicker that time) a can of air, my thought, air compressor. thats what a farm does to you. why buy air what you can get it free and compress it with a little electricity and noise? so anyway i decide to go so my comp doesnt get too hot. so i do and later i turn it back on, this time it makes noises like the fan is trying to start then no noise, repeat a couple times. than nothing. no moving, no cooling air, crap. so i d ostuff whatever, then i turn it off to do some homework (i accually did) now i turned it on again. this time it made a bit of a noise then the fan started YAY!! so now my comp is working "good" again, but i got to scrub it cuz now im starting to get virus warnings again, crap. well thats my story and the moral?
WARNING to all you MSN Messanger users out there. there is a bad thing going around. It is a file (a .pif file) that if you except and run, will from what i can tell, close all you conversations, and not allow you to open those conversations again. it will also disable your right (or left for you backwards people) mouse button. but the most annoying thing is that it offers to all the people who are online at the time. im not sure if it does anything else, and norton doesnt seem to recognize it so im not exactly sure what it is. but it is a .pif file (like I said) and it is a "shortcut to MS-DOS program" so its got the MS-DOS logo thing (see above). it has at least 2 names, drunk_lol and webcam_004. BAD. DO NOT EXCEPT. and sorry to you if i sent it to you and you accepted and made your computer funny. oops.
Greetings all. I am posting to invite you all to join my fantasy apprentice. several of you I sent an email to so you get the special invite. This is just a general invite to whoever wants to join. all you need is a yahoo! sign in, and if you dont you can get one free and i think pretty easily. to sign up fo the fantasy go here. follow the create/join group link. then enter into the join private group the number 15342, and the pw is the coolest person from TA 2. raj. all lower case. thats all for now, hope to see you join.
Ok title a little Harsch, oops i mean harsh. anyway, todays lesson? im setting straight a small thing that everyone seems to get wrong (or at least say the easy way). Noah's Ark. now most (or some of you) are thinking, i know the story. he built the Ark, put 2 of each animal on it, floated around for a while, then landed and lived happily ever after. I just thought i would clarify or show you interesting things about it. It dimentions "450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Gen. 6:15" (all passages taken from Bible Gateway) One of the main things i wanted to say about the Ark is that it is not entirely true that there were 2 of each animal. well there were 2 of each animal but some had more than 2. 14 to be exact. "19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them. (Gen 6)" so you are all thinking, ya see 2 of every animal. but then later it says "2 Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. (Gen 7)" So there were accually 14 of every clean animal. this was good thinking on Gods part for later, " 20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. (Gen 8)" see this would have been a really bad idea to sacrifice animals if there were only 2 of them. Good planning God.
Usually you all expect out there and funny (i think so anyway) post, but this is going to be a bit more Justin-esk. thats right, im going with a more serious post. one of my teachers from last year (and was going to be this semester) suffered a minor heart attack during the holidays. I just want to say that i hope he gets well soon. and also thank the teacher who, even thought he retired last year, came back to teach this semester because of the HA.
Wow ive got hot lead for a post. and to utilize this lead would really make sence so here it is. warning, this post may not be for the weak of stomach. So there is a man in Cleveland that sueing NBC. ok, that happens, but it gets more interesting. he is sueing them for "causing suffering, injury and great pain." still not post worthy, what caused this "suffering, injury and great pain."? It was a tv show on NBC. the show, Fear Factor. now im sure your thinking that Austin Aitken (different last name from clay) was a contestant and they screwed up a stunt or something just as terrible, that would make sence. but no, this "suffering, injury and great pain." was inflicted upon Mr. Aitken while he was sitting in the comfort of his living room, WATCHING a FF episode. which episode? 509, the one containing the second stunt of RAT STEW. that would be blended up rats. no really.
I am (was, the original post i was drafting got erased)on such a high! no its not from lack of sleep or any other drug, its football fever. Today i watched 2 increadibly exciting ending games. Its playoff time in the NFL and today was day one of the 2 day wildcard matchups. But wouldnt you think that like the last place team should play for the wildcard? i mean the 5th or whatever team really isnt a wildcard, they are pretty good. a wildcard would be a team near the bottom of the pile. but anyway,
Back in e-ville. A day later than originally planed but im back. Back with high speed non-dial up internet and very little responsibility so i can be on the internet alot posting to my, and hopefully your, hearts content. So todays topic, good question, i beleive i am going to tell a story from a couple months ago that i found ironic, i may have accually posted this story (i was going to but i think i never got around to it but then again i might have), but i figure that if doug can just copy and paste a psot then why cant I at least tell a story more than once. and im going to elaborate on the story as well.
Ashlee Simpson. so she was performing at the Orange Bowl, and the crowd booed her. ha ha. but she is really wishing she didnt go on/lip sync on SNL. And also when the crowd started booing, the cameras cut away from her face. im thinking celebrities and football games and tv really arnt getting along very well.
I was trying to think of a cooler title but 'Is sleep overrated' or 'is sleep a delicacy?' really didnt work. and due to lack of sleep that was all i could come up with. then i changed the plain 'sleep' title to 'shleep'. making my 's's 'sh's is something ive started doing. I think it is cuz Sean Connery is so cool. who doeshnt like a voishe like that? I think my dream self from a voice perspective would be the speaking voice of Sean Connery, and the singing voice of Everlast. "I'm broken like a record, im shattered like a dream, . . ." that would be cool. My sister thinks it would be better if i had George Clooney's voice. that wouldnt be too bad.
In case you hant noticed, i added a celebrity of the week into my side bar. this week, Janeane Garofalo. Why her? well once she was awesome in Mystery Men and in her small role in The Cable Guy. but there is another thing that is interesting and makes a good topic for a post. [I would also like to add that i hope this post doesnt push my rating over G or PG or whatever]. So turns out, In 1984, she had breast reduction surgery. The surgery reduced her measurement from a 36D cup to a B cup (imdb.com). why she did this, "I was a 36C or D, and at 5' 1", I knew that being a small person with big boobs standing in front of an audience was not going to be easy. It would be really hard to get people to pay attention to me without mocking me. Getting a breast reduction to prepare for my career was no different from people who work to get good grades to get into a good college to get into a good graduate school to get a good job. I went down to a B cup, and it was the best thing in the whole world." I respect her for this. In a world dominated by sex on tv and in movies and everywhere else, JG had breast reduction surgery because she wanted people to take her seriously. I think that is a great stand. well thats about all for now.